Saturday, March 29, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #9 - Night Table

Since the cups/travel mug decluttering didn't take too long, I ended up going ahead and doing Day #9 right after.  This one was pretty easy since my night table doesn't have any drawers and I generally keep it pretty clean since it's glass.  

Here's the "before" photo:

Yes, I do sleep with a baseball bat beside my bed - don't you?!  The sock was leftover from the Sock Drawer exercise (Day #1) and hair bands always come out of my hair right before bed (along with the bobby pins that are stored in the shot glass on the left).  And the upside down tissue box - well - the youngest cat likes to lick tissues (don't ask me why - he's a cat!), so I have to keep the box upside down at all times.

Here's the steps "From Overwhelmed to Organized" said to take for this exercise:
  • Throw out any garbage that has accumulated on or in your bedside table
  • Relocate items that don't belong in or on your night table (keeping in mind the purpose you determined in step one above)
  • Only store items that you really need easy access to during the night or first thing in the morning
  • Keep as little as possible on top of the night table so you have lots of "white space" on the surface (I'd suggest just a lamp, clock, and maybe a book you're currently reading)

The "after" photo:

Much better!  I used the lint roller to clean off the lampshade that the cats like to rub on.  I also went ahead and got the glass cleaner out and cleaned the table itself.  Everything else got put away where it belongs.  As you can see from the time on the clock, this declutter took a total of 6 minutes.  Not bad and it looks so much better!

Next Up:  Day #10 - Expired Medications

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