Monday, March 24, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #4 - Coffee Table

Day's #1 (Sock Drawer), #2 (Toiletries), and #3 (Junk Drawer) are in the books.  Now it's time for Day #4 - the Coffee Table.

(From Overwhelmed to Organized)

This one was actually really easy for me since I don't have a coffee table in my living room right now.  Instead, I have this table and it's already cleaned off:

I did go thru the little drawers though and threw away trash/junk I found inside (like broken Christmas ornaments).  For those of you who have a coffee table, here are the steps for today's mission (according to "From Overwhelmed to Organized"):
  • Throw out any garbage that was left on the table - things like granola bar wrappers and used tissues (if you've got kids you know it happens!)
  • Recycle all papers that you no longer need (newspapers, flyers, old mail, outdated school newsletters, etc.)
  • Relocate items that don't belong on your coffee table (toys, books, magazines, games, electronics, etc.)
  • Gather all your remotes and put them in a basket so you always know where they are and they aren't visual clutter on your table
  • If you have items you want to keep in the living/family room that don't have a designated place, then create one.  For example, put a basket under your coffee table or beside your sofa for magazines or current newspapers.  Make sure you tell your family members about the new homes you've established so they can help keep your table clutter free.
Now that you've decluttered your coffee table, the key is to keep it that way!  Make it part of your daily routine (or someone else in your family's daily routine!) to clear off anything that has been left on the table, so you never have more than a day's worth of items accumulating.  Change your mindset about flat surfaces.  Empty space is good!

Next Up:  Day 5 - Shoes


  1. I have to say, the coffee table is one area where we're usually pretty organized. There's generally nothing stored on top of it, and in the drawer are just remote controls. I am a little nervous to see what "shoe" day entails, though!

  2. Yes, shoe day is definitely going to be more difficult than today was :). They're so hard to part with!!
