Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Give Yourself Credit!

Are you hard on yourself?  I am guilty of being VERY hard on myself.  (As in if I make a mistake, I berate myself over it for days).  It's exhausting!

So today, I'm giving myself credit for making the smart choice.  If you've read this blog, you know I LOVE my Stitch Fixes.  However, today I skipped my May 1 one and instead decided to apply the money I would have spent towards paying off a bill.  I didn't even want to pay the $20 styling fee right now (that would be applied towards whatever I bought).  I rescheduled it for May 30 instead (and may reschedule it for even later).  After all, I've done so much de-cluttering of my closets that I now know I have a lot of clothes already.  (And, I need to re-focus on my Total Money Makeover Debt Snowball).  

So, props to me for being disciplined and kudos to Stitch Fix for being so flexible!  Love it!!

What are you giving yourself credit for today?  It doesn't have to be something big, just something positive.  



Note:  If you want more information on Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover, click here.  (I am only mentioning this because I've been doing the program (sometimes following it more closely than others) and it works.  I do not get any referral credits or anything by spreading the word about TMM).

Friday, April 18, 2014

Adventures in Gardening - It All Started with a Facebook Post

If you've read my blog, I think you know by now I am not very domestic.  My sister definitely got that gene in our family!  :)  Every once in a while though, I come across something I think I just might be able to pull off.  It all started with this photo my mom shared on Facebook that she found of a Wagon Wheel Herb Garden:

What a great idea!  There's 12 different types of herbs/flowers planted in this old wagon wheel.  It's big enough for variety, but small enough that no tilling is involved.  That's right up my alley! 

When my mom, dad, and I went to Amish Country last weekend, we were on the search for wagon wheels so we could do this.  Mom wanted a big one like this one and I wanted a smaller one.  (I've never gardened before and I have no clue what I'm doing.  Naturally, starting out small is the way to go for me!).  We found some big buggy wheels, but they were pretty pricey, so in the end, we bought a set of matching smaller wheels that are 17" across.  

Here's how the process went:

Step 1 - Find a wheel (in Amish Country) - $14
Step 2 - Have a day off and the urge to spend some time/money in Lowes.
Step 3- Measure the wagon wheel and remember how many sections it has.
Step 4 - Call mom from Lowe's repeatedly trying to figure out what supplies I need to plant a garden.  (Turns out I needed gardening potting soil, a pot, a base for the pot so the water doesn't flood my deck, a wire brush to scrub the rust off the wheel, Rust-oleum rusty metal primer to spray on the wheel, and the herbs).
Step 5 - Call hubby from Lowe's to find out what type of herbs he wants.  Hubs didn't have time to talk b/c he was working.  Turns out, I'm not big on herbs after all b/c I only found 3 I wanted.  Picked up some cilantro, hot spicy oregano, and Greek oregano plants. 
Step 6 - Pick out some fruit/veggie plants to add to the mix.  I picked up strawberries, banana peppers, and green peppers.
Step 7 - Clear off the spot on the deck to put my garden where it will be sunny sometimes (and rain water will reach the plants) and shady sometimes (and not fry my plants).
Step 8 - Scrub the wheel with the metal brush.
Step 9 - Spray paint the wheel with the Rust-oleum.
Step 10 - Lug the rest of the supplies up the deck and start putting it all together.

Step 11 - Put the base down, the pot in it, and some packing "popcorn" in the bottom.

Step 12 - Add the base of potting soil and the freshly painted wheel.
Step 13 - Plan the layout of where each plant is going to go.
Step 14 - Begin adding the plants in each section, surrounding them with potting soil as you go.

Step 15 - Water all the plants (literally soak the soil).
Step 16 - Clean up all the containers the plants came in and other supplies.
Step 17 - Take lots of pictures of your fabulous garden and send them to you friends/family so they can be shocked that you planted a garden.  :)

Step 18 - Pray you don't kill what you just planted and that the herbs/veggies/fruit starts to grow.

Step 19 - Text parents, friends, and whomever else may know what to do next and ask for advice.  Also - Google is your friend!
Step 20 - Continue to water, weed, and watch your garden grow.  Who-hoo!!
Step 21 - Convince hubs he needs to cook something with what you grew :).

~ I'll add some gardening blog posts in the future as the fruits/veggies (hopefully) begin to grow and let you know how it goes.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #28 - Coats & Jackets

Ah yes, the hall closet - where all coats and jackets (and randomness) is crammed!  Truth be told - the whole closet needs cleaned out.  The actual coats that are in it are the least of the clutter in there.  Maybe I'll tackle that another day.  :)

Here are the action steps according to "From Overwhelmed to Organized":
  • Throw out any coats that are ripped, torn, or completely worn out
  • Give away or donate any jackets that no longer fit anyone in the family
  • Give away or donate all coats that have not been worn in the last year (that allows for seasonal changes)
  • Limit each family member to 1 dressy coat and 1 daily coat per season and then give away or donate the rest (except maybe for small kids - you may want an extra day-to-day coat for when they get dirty or wet)
  • Store off season coats and jackets somewhere else so you have plenty of space for those you currently wear
That's actually the "after" photo above.  It didn't look much different than the "before" photo so I didn't bother posting that one.  Unfortunately, I don't have much room in my other closets, so all the coats pretty much have to stay in this one.  None of them had rips or tears and I don't feel my hubs or I have too many of them, so they're all staying put.  The only thing that came out of the hall closet today was a random plastic Viking hat (don't ask).  I'm sure if you have kids (or an affinity for buying coats) it would be a different story.  Oh well!  On to the next project - Day #29 - Desk Drawers.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #27 - T-Shirts

T-Shirts - for the most part I hate them!  It's as simple as that!  I wore them all the time in college (you know - back when pairing them with men's boxer shorts was a thing.  Yes, I'm that old!).  I still have a closet full of them, but except for my "Anderson University Social Work" one and a select-few others that are super-comfy, I really don't wear them.  So, this project is perfect for me! 

Let me preface what I deem a "t-shirt" - it's anything that looks or fits like a man's t-shirt (AKA - shapeless).  I don't count the cutesy fitted v-neck shirts from Victoria's Secret or colored burnout tops as "t-shirts".  

The "before" photo:

Action steps according to "From Overwhelmed to Organized":
  • Throw out any t-shirts that are worn, ripped, or have holes (or use them for cleaning rags)
  • Relocate any items that don't belong with your t-shirts
  • Donate or give away all t-shirts you haven't worn in the last 3 months
  • Donate or give away any t-shirts you don't like
  • Donate or give away t-shirts that don't fit well
The "after" photo:

Far left pile - shirts that went into my main closet to wear on days like today when I'm just relaxing, running errands, and be-bopping (AKA - tinkering) around the house
Middle pile - went into the spare bedroom closet b/c I'll wear them this year
Far right pile - all getting donated to AmVets

Next Up:  Coats & Jackets

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #26 - E-Mail Inbox

The idea of today's project is to go thru all your existing e-mails and get delete the ones you don't need.  If you want the more planned out version, go to "From Overwhelmed to Organized"'s blog post where you'll find spread sheets to track how many e-mails you've deleted and a whole blog series devoted to just cleaning out your inbox.

I am definitely an e-mail delete-r.  I love to erase things as they come in and watch my inbox number go down.  For this project I started off with the following stats:  

Inbox - 105
Drafts - 13
Spam - 15
Trash - 53

After about 15 minutes, my stats were down to the following:

Inbox - 7
Drafts - 0
Spam - 0
Trash - 0

That was easy enough.  Maybe another day I'll "unsubscribe" to some of the tempting store advertisements trying to get me to shop with them.  For now though, I just deleted them :).

Next Up:  Day #27 - T-Shirts

Monday, April 14, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #25 - Small Appliances

We're almost to the end of this project.  Only a few more days to go!  Today's focus is on small appliances.  

Here are the action steps according to "From Overwhelmed to Organized":
  • Gather all the small appliances from around your home (don't forget those you're storing in the basement, garage, attic, etc.)
  • Throw away any that don't work or are missing important parts
  • Donate, give away or sell any that you have not used in the past year {you'll be able to tell them by the layer of dust on them :) }
  • Declutter duplicate items {e.g. a grilled cheese sandwich maker and a pannini press}
  • Consider keeping appliances that perform multiple functions and purge the ones that are redundant {this is especially important for those of you who spend a lot of time cooking and baking - you probably use most of your small appliances regularly and may not feel you have any to declutter, but maybe some can still be purged if you have others that can perform the same functions}
  • Donate, give away or sell any appliances that you don't use very often and that you can borrow from someone when you do need it
We don't have a lot of fancy small appliances (mainly because I don't like to cook).  We have your standard coffee pot, toaster, smoothie maker/blender, hand mixer, and nut chopper.  I also have my grandma's mini food processor, a rotating pizza cooker that we got as a wedding present (that my husband loves), and a dehydrator that my husband's parents got him for Christmas one year.  Other than the dehydrator, there's really nothing that doesn't get used.  Perhaps I can get hubs to part with it and give it to my sister (AKA - the "domestic one").  :)

Next Up:  E-mail Inbox

Sunday, April 13, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #24 - Laundry Room

This day is not going to be a quick one for me!  My laundry room is unfinished, in the basement, and an absolute disaster!  Since we bought this house years ago, I've imagined putting linoleum down, getting a new washer and dryer, and pulling out the counter top and replacing it with a wash basin.  (I almost bought one yesterday in Amish Country, but decided to wait a bit).  It's also where the kitty litter boxes are kept, which creates a mess in itself.  It's embarrassing to show you this, but here's what I'm working with.

The "before" photo of the whole room:

Action steps according to "From Overwhelmed to Organized":
  • Recycle any empty detergent bottles that are lying around
  • Finally toss those socks that have been mismatched for awhile {you know the ones you held onto because you kept hoping their mates would show up?!}
The "after" photo of the whole room:

The two action steps were easy enough, but I took it a step further (of course).  I decided to basically pull all the hampers, floor cleaners, clothes baskets, litter boxes, etc. out of the room, clean everything, and put it back in from scratch.  I even took the vacuum cleaner down and vacuum'd the walls, ceiling, and floor and Swiffered and swept the floor too.  This project took me almost 2 hours (from 12:30pm to 2:27pm).  (And this is with me doing the litter boxes yesterday and 3 loads of laundry today already before I started this project).  

It was gross, I'm not going to lie!  Standing on the washing machine sucking cobwebs out of the ceiling as dust falls on my head is not my idea of a fun Sunday.  That's something I've been wanting to do though since we moved in here nearly 6 years ago and have never done though, so I'm glad I did it.  I also moved the washing machine and dryer and swept/Swiffered behind them.  All socks and washrags I pulled out that were full of dark grey dust was DISGUSTING!!!  I threw almost everything I pulled out away (and what I did keep is getting washed twice) and decided to move both the washer and the dryer closer to the walls so clothes can't fall beside them as easily.  I decided not to have anymore clothes baskets sitting on top of the dryer full of clothes waiting to be washed so clothes stop falling behind the dryer as well.   

Here's the "before" (top photo) and "after" (bottom photo) of the washer/dryer set up:

Separating the washer and dryer makes the space look bigger.  Instead of having dark clothes that need to be washed sitting in the blue clothes basket, they're now in the brown hamper.  (And the trash can is in front of the hamper also so I can throw the dryer lint right in it).  I also used that little blue basket that was just sitting on the cabinet (see next photo) and put the laundry supplies that were laid out across the back ledge in it.  

I still want to put a wash basin in the counter top, but until that happens, I cleaned out the cabinet and put all the stain (that you can't see, but was sitting on the counter top), up in the hanging cabinet.  I also cleaned out everything in the cabinet (top and bottom) and re-organized it.  (All the jugs of kitty litter for example is now in the bottom of the cabinet along with the paint).  The blue basket you see in the left "before" photo is what I used to put the laundry supplies in.  And now all the baskets are stacked nicely on the counter top until I need them (as they break, I just won't replace them since now I have too many of them).  

I swept this area and Clorox wiped the big metal thing (vent system maybe??) and moved my Grandma's old clothes hamper over by it so I can put the white clothes that need to be washed in it rather than having them sit in the clothes basket on the counter.  I put another hamper to the right of it also where all the red items go.  (I wash them separate so they don't fade onto my other dark clothes).

Last but not least - the area by the washer where the white hamper used to be.  I decided to move the 2nd litter box over there so it's out of the way and you don't see it right when you walk into the laundry room.  The wet vac needs thrown away b/c it leaks, but my parents swear it can be fixed.  Until we find out of it can be, off the the garage it goes.


Even though this was a long, sweaty project, I'm so glad I took the time to do it.  Re-organizing the room made it look so much bigger and cleaning it really good makes me not dread going in there.  I'm so happy I did it!  (I'm even debating on painting the back wall where the washer/dryer is and hanging some pictures down there to make it feel more homey and inviting).  Now it's off to take a shower I go!........

Next Up:  Day #25 - Small Appliances

Saturday, April 12, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #23 - Bathroom Counters

This one was easy for me b/c my bathroom counter is small.  Having one or two bottles of hair product out makes the counter look completely cluttered.  That's why it's set up to have only the bare minimum on it (and there's so much stuff in the medicine cabinet).  Plus, I already cleaned the counter off when I did Day #2 - Toiletries.

Here's the "before" photo:

Here's the action steps from "From Overwhelmed to Organized":
  • Toss all garbage that is on the counter (empty toothpaste tubes, tissues, etc.)
  • Throw out any old make-up
  • Relocate any items that don't belong on the counter
  • Hopefully you already decluttered your toiletries on day 2 but if you haven't done that, do it now.
Here's the "after" photo:

Basically all I had to do was put hubs' glasses and contact cases away and Clorox wipe the counter and sink off.  I also scrubbed the toothpaste off the wall and fronts of the cabinets.  (I love my husband, but somehow he manages to get that stuff EVERYWHERE in the bathroom).  Easy enough!

Next Up:  Day #24 - Laundry Room

Friday, April 11, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #22 - Mugs

I'll be honest - I thought we already did the mugs.  At least I know I went thru mine on Day #8 when we did the travel mugs and water bottles.  

In case you didn't go thru them on Day #8, here are the action steps according to "From Overwhelmed to Organized":
  • Toss any mugs that are chipped, cracked, or stained
  • Give away or donate any mugs you have not used in the last 3 months
  • Get rid of mugs with logos that don't hold any attachment to anyone in your family
  • Keep mugs that are favorites and that are used regularly
  • Determine how many mugs you need for the number of people in your family, based on how often you drink hot drinks daily
  • Keep in mind how often you clean dishes when you calculate how many you need
  • Think about whether you reuse mugs or not (for example, I use the same mug for my tea in the morning and the afternoon with just a rinse between uses - I know most people drink tea from a tea cup, but I like my super sized mug for my designated pick-me-up!)
  • Consider how many mugs you need when you entertain guests too
  • Based on your answers to these points, donate or give away mugs until you are left with a number that fits your requirement
  • If you have some mugs that are special but that you don't use, consider repurposing them somewhere else in your house (hint: "World's Best Mom" mugs make great planters or pencil holders when you have too many of them to use!)
Next Up:  Day #23 - Bathroom Counters

Thursday, April 10, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #21 - The Fridge

I did this when I got back from vacation (took literally everything out of the fridge, washed all the shelves and the door trays, etc).  I pitched EVERYTHING!!  However, about a month has gone by and the fridge has filled back up.

Here's the "before" photo:

Here's the action steps according to "From Overwhelmed to Organized":
  • Throw away any food that has gone bad (e.g. those leftovers that got pushed to the back of the fridge and were forgotten about, those fruits/veggies that you've had for too long, etc.)
  • Toss any expired items (condiments, dressings, spreads, etc.)
  • Get rid of any food items that you don't like (maybe a new brand of something that no one in the family liked). 
  • Eliminate all foods you don't use (like that item you bought for a specific recipe but never used again)
  • That should reduce the amount of food in your fridge, but if it's still crowded, see if you can purge any foods that you have more than enough of (give them away to someone you know could use them)
And the "after" photo:

Thankfully, my fridge wasn't too bad to begin with.  I tossed the pizza box and the steak that hubs made last Saturday.  Put some things in the door that belonged there and washed down the shelves real quick and I was done.  The freezer - now that's another day and another issue :).

Up Next:  Mugs  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #20 - Under the Bed

Sorry I'm a few days behind on getting this posted.  The husband/wife shoe tossing debate threw me off on hitting the "publish" button (see below).


When I think of looking under the bed, I automatically think of my husband's smelly shoes b/c that's where he stuffs them.  I put his shoes in this deodorized plastic thing before, but as soon as he took them out to wear them, they never went back in.  Alas - in I go....

The action steps according to "From Overwhelmed to Organized":
  • Throw away any garbage you find
  • Consider what the purpose of your space under the bed is and then based on that purpose, decide what to keep and what to purge
  • Relocate any items that do not belong under your bed (kids' toys, dishes from a late-night snack, dirty laundry, etc.)
I tried to take pictures of the before/after under the bed but it's dark under the bed, so no pictures turned out.  I ended up sticking his tennis shoes in one of my empty boot boxes, so at least they can be stored in that.  I tried to get hubs to let me throw away a pair of old work shoes he hasn't worn in about a year, but that was trumped.  (He swears he wears them every day even though they have dust on them).

In the end, I pulled some of hubs dirty socks out and organized his shoes that were under there.  I think next time I'm at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, I'll buy some clear plastic shoe boxes so his stinky shoes can go in there.  :) 

Next Up:  Fridge

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #19 - Toys

Since I don't have any kiddos, this day could've been a free day for me.  However, there's always something that can be decluttered.

For those of you who do have kids, here are the action steps according to "From Overwhelmed to Decluttered":
  • Throw away any toys that are broken or have missing pieces
  • Relocate items that are mixed in with toys but belong somewhere else
  • Donate, give away, or sell all toys that your kids have outgrown
  • Donate, give away, or sell all toys that your kids don't play with regularly (or haven't played with in 3 months, 6 months, or whatever time frame you choose)
  • Purge a bunch of "little toys" your kids have forgotten about (party favors, Happy Meal toys, etc.)
  • Consider how much space you have for toy storage and purge further if necessary
To help keep toys from getting cluttered again, follow the "one-in-one-out rule".  Also, make sure you have a place for every toy or group of toys so that your kids can put them back.  You'll still have to go through toys periodically, but these rules should help!

As I said, I don't have kids yet.  So, I decided to use this day to formally put my AmVets donation together and to log all the items I'm donating (for tax purposes).  By doing this, I'm actually decluttering the portion of my office and trunk that currently hold these items.

To log the items I'm donating, I used this website and logged everything in:  http://turbotax.intuit.com/personal-taxes/itsdeductible/index.jsp.  It was so easy!

Next Up:  Under the Bed

Monday, April 7, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #18 - Plasticware

Plasticware - AKA "Tupperware".  It is my husband and I's nemesis because it always falls out of the kitchen cupboard onto our head.  And every time it does, I hear him yelling "Honey.....!!!".  I went thru it right before Christmas and made a point of sending home leftovers in the margarine containers, Cool-Whip containers, etc. that I had.  There's actually not a ton of it left.  It still needs to be organized again though, so that's what I decided to do today.

Here's the "before" photo:

Here's the action steps according to "From Overwhelmed to Organized":
  • Throw away any containers and lids that are damaged, cracked, or warped beyond usability
  • Recycle all margarine dishes, yogurt containers, etc. (it's too hard to see what's in them and they tend to lead to science experiments in the fridge... plus you have a steady supply of them if you ever do need them for something specific)
  • Match up all your dishes and lids and get rid of any non-matching pieces
  • Toss out any containers that are discolored (see this link for an explanation why)
  • Give away or donate any containers you have not used in the last 3 months (or use them to organize small items in your craft room or garage!)
  • Think about how many containers you actually need and what sizes you use most and purge further if necessary until you meet that goal (e.g. if you have 21 medium sized containers you can probably give away some - you can't even fit that many in your fridge!)
  • Consider keeping containers that are all from a particular set so they can stack easily and you can find corresponding lids easily
And here's the "after" photo:

Here's what ended up in the recycling:

I had more to throw away than I thought I did.  It doesn't look like much, but when you have limited cupboard space like I do, every little bit counts.

Next Up:  Toys

Sunday, April 6, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #17 - Mail

Thank goodness for recycling, because that's where most of the mail we get goes.  There are so many flyers and advertisements that come each week.  Most of them don't even make it into the house because I dump them right into the recycling bin on the way in the house.

For what does make it in, "From Overwhelmed to Organized" recommends these action steps:
  • Start by gathering ALL your mail into one spot (find any places that it has piled up and bring it all together so you can deal with it once and for all)
  • Throw out any garbage you come across in your piles
  • Recycle or shred any papers you do not need (outdated flyers, empty envelopes, junk mail, coupons you don't use, etc.)
  • These steps should already reduce your pile significantly
  • Sort through your pile of paperwork to keep and group like items together (bills to be paid, paperwork to file, items to follow-up on, etc.)
  • Take care of each category (pay bills, file papers, follow-up on things).  If you don't have time right now to do this, then set up a time when you will take care of it.
That should take care of the backlog of mail!  Now, to keep it decluttered in the future, follow these simple steps:
  1. Throw out or recycle EVERY piece of incoming mail that you do not need, as you bring it into the house {if it helps, keep a shredder and a recycle bin near your main entryway!}
  2. Establish a place to keep each category of mail that you need to deal with later {use files, boxes or baskets to create a place for the categories you need:  inbox, to pay, to follow-up, to file, to read, etc.}
  3. Designate certain days of the week or month to deal with each of these categories of mail so they don't pile up
  4. If other people bring in the mail, train them to use your new system too

I like the idea of a "command center", so I bought this expandable file folder to create that:  

That was easy!  Now all my papers/magazines (that were on the floor in front of the couch) are in a nice little expandable tote that can be easily stored away.  Who-hoo!!

Next Up:  Plasticware

Saturday, April 5, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #16 - Kitchen Utensils

Today's focus - kitchen utensils.  In true "Product Junkie" fashion, I have a lot of these too.  Every time I walk into Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I walk out with some new kitchen gadget.    

The "before" photo:

Luckily for me, I had already cleaned/organized my utensil drawer when I did Day #3 - Junk Drawer.  All I had to do was go thru what was already in the drawer & utensil holders.

Today's steps according to "From Overwhelmed to Organized":
  • Throw out anything that's broken or missing pieces
  • Relocate anything that doesn't belong in your utensil/gadget drawer (or wherever you store them)
  • Donate all utensils or gadgets that you haven't used in 3 months (except for maybe a few specialty tools that are only used occasionally)
  • Consider your cooking and baking habits and purge accordingly (i.e. if you eat a lot of take-out, you probably don't need 6 slotted spoons or 8 spatulas/flippers, or if you rarely bake do you really need 7 whisks?)
  • Keep in mind how often you wash dishes and only keep as many utensils/gadgets as you regularly use between washings
  • Think about how often you entertain and purge serving utensils proportionately (i.e. if you don't entertain very often, you may not need 4 cake servers or 5 soup ladles)

The items that didn't make the cut:

I really didn't have a lot of utensils that don't get used.  My husband LOVES to cook and uses most of what we have.  I like having a back-up just in case he melts anything from the red/white container.  (The grill and plastic don't go well together).  The spatula it all cut up and dinged.  It's getting tossed!  There's nothing wrong with the grilling prongs, but I already have a set we use for corn on the cob, so I really don't need this set.  It's going to either my mom and dad or my sister.

Even though I only got rid two things basically, I still organized the two utensil holders and further organized my utensil drawer.  That was worth 15 minutes.  :)

Next Up:  Mail

Friday, April 4, 2014

April 2014 STITCH FIX Review - My 4th One!

The past week or so has been pretty rough, so I needed a little pick-me-up!  This Fix (my 4th one) provided just that for me!  

Stitch Fix is like a big hug in a box!  


First - a little bit about what Stitch Fix is and how it works:

Stitch Fix is a personal styling service. You tell them your style, size, and budget preferences, and they'll send you a package of stylish goodies to try on at home. Each Fix™ is unique and hand-picked just for you.

How does it work?

1. Sign Up (you can click on this link and do so) and Complete Your Style Profile - After signing up you can start immediately on your Style Profile.  They need to know your size, shape, style, budget, and lifestyle to get your Fix right. The Style Profile will take about 10 minutes to complete.

2. Schedule a Stitch Fix - Pick a shipment date, and they’ll send you a box of 5 clothing and accessory items they’ve hand-picked just for you.  You can even opt to schedule a monthly delivery if you'd like.  You pay a $20 styling fee when your stylist selects the items in your Stitch Fix. This $20 fee will be applied as a credit toward anything you keep from your shipment.

3. Try On All Of Your Items - Try on everything they send you—you never know what you’ll like until you see it on (trust me on this one). Pair each piece with items already in your closet to try different outfit options. Each item includes style cards with ideas and inspiration on how to wear it.

4. Decide - Take 3 days to decide what you’ll keep. Return the items you don't want in the pre-paid mailing bag (they include this in your box) at any USPS mailbox.

5. Check Out - Login to your account and pay for those items you kept.  If you buy all 5 items you save 25% off the entire shipment price.  Make sure to leave them feedback on your Stitch Fix shipment so they know what did and didn’t work for you.


Enough technical stuff - Here's what was in my 4th Fix....

First off, they add a nice little envelope with a note from your stylist about why they selected the pieces they did for you, as well as styling cards that give you ideas on how to style each piece.

I've been fortunate enough to have the same stylist for the past 3 months.  Once again, I really felt like Erica (my stylist) took the time to choose items she thought I'd like by looking at my Pinterest boards and notes I wrote on my profile (which I update after each fix) I filled out.  Plus, in my feedback from Box #3, I specifically requested some pieces that I was looking to buy in Box #4:  a coral/peach top like one I had pinned from Forever21 and a pair of Kut from the Kloth Denna colored denim jeans or capri pants to wear for Spring.  She sent me just that, as well as other items from my "Wish List".  (She's a new bestie and she doesn't even know it)!

Normally, I decide pretty quickly what to keep and what to send back.  This time, I solicited feedback from the readers of this blog and waited the entire 3 days to decide.  It was a tough decision!

Here's what was in my box:

Esten Button-Up Sleeveless Blouse - $54
Florence Colorblocked Dress - $68
Benson 3/4 Ruched Sleeve Blazer - $78
Collie Graphic Panel Detail Blouse - $48
Denna Colored Skinny Jean - $78

Piece #1 - Let's start with the Esten Button-Up Sleeveless Blouse - $54

The color and cut of this shirt are dead-on as far as my style goes and what I requested (this is almost exactly the color of the Forever21 top I had pinned).  It's even sleeveless too, which is perfect for Spring.  The only problem was the size.  The top buttons were pulling so far apart from each other I can't even post a photo for the sake of descency.  Bummer!  If this top were one size larger, it would be hanging in my closet right now for sure!  


Piece #2 - Florence Colorblocked Dress - $68

This is the first dress my stylist has sent me.  When I Googled my shipment and saw this dress was included, I secretly hoped she sent me the navy version with green accents.  However, in person, the green was really pretty too!  The length is good for work or for wearing casually.  It's just fun and Spring-y!  


Piece #3 - Benson 3/4 Ruched Sleeve Blazer - $78

I had specifically requested this royal blue blazer after my first fix that I saw several other Fixers receive and Erica didn't forget.  The color is so vivid in person!  I absolutely love it!!  And I really like the striped cuff detailing a lot more that I thought I would.  The fabric is heavy, yet stretchy and looks great with the Denna Jeans that also came in this fix!  It would also be great with white pants/capris or regular jeans as well.  However I pair it, it would be perfect for chilly days in the AC at work!  The only reason this piece went back is due to the fit.  Between my broad shoulders and ample cleavage, this blazer just wouldn't button.


Piece #4 - Collie Graphic Panel Detail Blouse - $48

This was actually a top I had pinned onto my Pinterest board after seeing it in another Fix.  I love the bright color (it's technically orange) and how it can be dressed up for work or worn casually with jeans.  (It looks really cute with the cobalt blue jeans in this Fix).  The length is perfect for me too!  Unfortunately, it was just too snug right now.  I debated on keeping it for when I lost some weight, but I'm trying to stick to my budget, and that just doesn't allow for me to purchase anything that doesn't fit just right at this time.


Piece #5 - Kut from the Kloth Denna Colored Skinny Jean - $78

I requested another pair of Kut from the Kloth skinny jeans after receiving a dark navy pair in my 2nd Fix.  I literally wear the pair I got before at least 3 days a week.  That's how perfect they fit and how much I love them!  

This pair is also fabulous!!  I had pinned cobalt blue jeans on my Pinterest board (and even have a cobalt blue mani/pedi right now), so I was so happy when I saw these in my box!  The length is a tad long on me, but can easily be hemmed after I shrink, errr, wash them.  The best part - they match the blazer PERFECTLY!!!  Like - to the point I can wear them with the blazer as a suit perfect.  


In the end, Erica absolutely nailed my style on this one!  She sent me the blue blazer, coral top, and colored denim jeans I had requested.  She also sent me the orange/navy top I had Pinned too.  I had requested less expensive pieces this time (the merchandise total for my last box was $316).  Specifically, I said no more $98 pants for blouses over $40.  This one had nothing under $48 in it and came in at $326 (even higher than the last one), so I was kind of bummed about that.  However, if you purchase all 5 of your pieces, Stitch Fix gives you 25% off your purchase.  In this case, the total discount for buying all 5 pieces would be $76.50.  Stitch Fix also deducts the pre-paid $20 styling fee from the purchase price of whatever you buy from your Fix for that month.  So, the cost for me to buy all 5 of my items would be $229.50 (plus, the pre-paid styling fee).

Here's How the Original Post Read:

I'm still trying to decide what to do.  I definitely want to keep the blue pants ($78) and probably the blue blazer ($78) and dress ($68) too.  Those 3 pieces alone will cost me $224 minus the pre-paid $20 styling fee = $204.  For $25.50 I can keep the other two tops and wear them once I lose weight.

What do you think I should do?  I need some help deciding!  Luckily for me I have 3 days to do just that before I have to check out.  (I was just at Kohl's yesterday and they do not have anything like these pieces that are cheaper or that fit me.  I was looking since I already knew the prices of what was in this box).  I'll update this blog post once I decide what I'm keeping.

Here's the Updated Decision:

I had originally planned on keeping the pants for sure, but in the end, my budget only allowed me to keep 1 piece right now.  I eliminated the two tops and the blazer due to fit issues and was debating between the dress and the pants.  After thinking about it (and trying both pieces on numerous times), I decided to keep the dress.  Wearing a dress it outside of my comfort zone, but having the dress on made me smile when I had it on and it was the piece I kept thinking about.  The fit is versatile too - it fits now, but it will also fit when I lose weight.  I also reasoned that buying pants right now when we're on the brink of warmer weather maybe wasn't the best way to go.

For my next fix, I did request the same cobalt blue Denna Skinny jeans in a Capri pant version, as well as the navy sailboat sweater I've seen other Fixers receive.  I also noted in my feedback (again) that I wanted all tops my stylist sends me to be under $40 unless they're tops I've specifically requested (like the sailboat sweater).

I scheduled my next Fix for May 1 to give me time to lose a few lbs and save money up for Spring clothes.  (There are currently Fixes that can be scheduled for 2 weeks out though).

If you like this blog and want to sign up for your own Fix, please click on this link.  If anyone signs up by clicking this link, I will receive a $25 referral credit towards my next Fix.  :)



31 Days of Decluttering - Day #15 - Catch-Up or Relax

Today is the day we're supposed to catch-up or relax and take the day off from decluttering.  

According to "From Overwhelmed to Organized", this is what's on the agenda:

Today you get a day off!  You've been working hard decluttering your home.  You deserve it!

One of the main reasons for decluttering is to be able to enjoy your home and your family more.  So do that today!

Decluttering Inspiration For You Today

I thought today I'd share a few quotes to help you celebrate how far you've come and motivate you to keep going.

The Things We Say

Here are 15 great reasons to continue on your decluttering journey!

Clutter Infographic
Produced by SpareFoot. Copyright 2013.

If you're feeling discouraged about your decluttering efforts, remember this:


If You're On A Roll...

If you really want to declutter something today, you can catch up on a day you missed (see all the links at the bottom of this post).

Or you can declutter more of something you already did.  For example, if you decluttered your sock drawer or your underwear drawer, you can spend time today decluttering your kids' drawers.  Or if you decluttered your hanging clothes, you can declutter your hubby's side of the closet today.  {Hopefully you inspired the rest of your family to join you on this decluttering mission!}  You can even tackle some other surfaces in your home by applying the decluttering principles you used when you decluttered your coffee table.

Another option is to back and clean or organize a space that you decluttered earlier this month (if you only focused on decluttering it at the time).

Now of course I can't sit still, so I decided to go thru my bathroom towels and throw away any that were worn, stained, or just really old and funky in general.  When I did the Day #6 Sheets exercise, I found some brand new towels with tags on them that I got as bridal shower presents many years ago.  Since I know I still have some towels that are nearly 10 years old, it's time to turn the old ones into household cleaning rags (or let my husband clean his golf clubs with them).

Here's the "before" photo of my washrags/hand towels:

This is a small basket (it fits in the top of my equally small hall closet).  Still - there's only 2 people living in this house and hubs doesn't use wash cloths normally.  I don't need this many of either.  At most, I need 14 for the week if I'm showering twice a day (which I don't usually) and don't do laundry for a week (that part is feasible)  :).

Here's what my towel situation looked like "before":

For this exercise, I used the following principals to purge my existing towels/wash rags:
1.  Purge those that are worn and/or have lots of threads showing.
2.  Purge those that have stains on them.  (That just looks nasty)!
3.  Purge those that have bleach marks on them.
4.  Purge those that have any type of smell/odor to them.
5.  Purge those that no longer match the color scheme in your bathroom.

And the "after" photo of my wash rags/hand towels:

I kid you not - I found wash rags from 7 different towel sets I've had over the years when I went thru this basket alone!  I've narrowed it down to 12 washrags and 5 hand towels (which is till about 3 too many) in the basket.  The two hand towels in front of the basket are headed to the downstairs bathroom.  The green wash rag is actually a dish rag (not sure how it got in with the wash rags).  The other 3 wash rags are becoming rags due to stains/bleach spots.

Here's the towels "after" photo:

Here's what all became cleaning rags or are getting donated to the animal shelter:

Some of these weren't in too bad of shape (minimal stains or bleach marks).  However, since they're all at least 5 years old and I have other towels in storage, I decided to let them go.  I'll give hubs a few and donate the rest to the animal shelter along with the bedding from Day #6 (Sheet Day).  

Note to self:  No more white/cream towels.  They show mascara and foundation stains WAYYYY to easily!

Next Up:  Day #16 - Cooking Utensils