Saturday, July 25, 2015

PRODUCT JUNKIE TO MINIMALIST - Week 1 is in the Books!

I knew this wasn't going to be an easy task/transition, and it certainly has not been.  Each time I throw something away though, I'm proud of myself.  Week #1 went a little like this:

Saturday - Day #1:

Inventoried my hall closet and my cosmetics cases.  I knew those two would be an eye-opening beasts!  Even though I've not purchased any Bath & Body Works in over a year, I still had plenty of stock pile from the years I was buying it.  And then there's the year I decided to do a Bene-Card (a medical savings account of sorts) at work and had to use the money at the end of the year, so I stocked up on first aid supplies (Band Aids anyone)??  The numbers were definitely enlightening (and sad all at the same time):

1st Aid Kits - 4
Cosmetic Bags - 8
Boxes of Over-the-Counter Rx - 19
Hair Ties - 109
Bottles of Shower Gel - 13
Bottles of Perfume/Sprays - 19

Those are just the highlights!  In total, there were 695 items not including the 35 items I either threw away or donated.  Yikes!!  On a positive note though, I used the old Birchbox boxes to organize my make-up in and now the closet overall is clean/organized.

Then I did one of the tougher things on this journey - I cancelled my Ipsy, Birchbox, and Bespoke Post subscription boxes.  I waffled on Birchbox b/c I had points accumulated (which = $20 to spend in their shop).  In the end, I purchased a bottle of shampoo and a bottle of dry shampoo (I'm almost out of both), used my points, and spent $8.99 total.  (I thought I would lose my points when I cancelled my Birchbox subscription, but after I cancelled my subscription, I received an e-mail from customer service stating my points/profile will still stay active). 

Sunday - Day #2

The fact I'm fighting a bad cold is the only reason I can think of that I set my alarm for 6 am this morning.  A half an hour later when I was functioning enough to get out of bed, I decided to inventory the freezer.  (Right, b/c that's what most people do at 6:30 am - ha!).  My husband requested McDonald's for breakfast this morning while the British Open is on.  When I tried to tell him I could make breakfast, he asked if we had any ham for the omelets.  When I said I didn't think so, he insisted I make a McDonald's run this morning.  Low and behold though, we did have 1 package of diced ham in there.  So, making breakfast it is (and I am not derailed by my husband)!

On the bright side - I found 4 frozen mini snickers bites (one of which became breakfast) and organized all my herbs I grew last year in the bottom of the freezer (that's what's wrapped in paper towels/baggies in the very bottom drawer), which made me happy!  

Total Freezer Inventory:  61 (was 62, but I ate a Snickers Mini).  
Items Eliminated:  4I threw out 3 packages of meat and a bag of ravioli that had freezer burn.  

Next Up - the refrigerator.  Ugh!  I was dreading this one just b/c I knew I would also end up scrubbing it out along with taking stock (which I did).  This is one area where the husband definitely doesn't help the cause.  (Example - 3 jars of unopened pickles and 3 bottles of garlic/herb chicken marinade that are all partially used).  For the sake of keeping the peace though (and the fact he cooks a lot), I kept my mouth shut and just combined the bottles.

Once we use some of the Ketsup, I'll squirt the mini packages of it in the top of the door into the regular bottle and toss them.  The bottle is still completely full though from the last time I did that, so I'll have to wait.

I even posted an inventory on the door so hubs and I know what we have.  My goal is to maintain this/update it each time we go grocery shopping.

Total Fridge Inventory:  91
Total Items Purged:  10

Next up (after I made breakfast and watched some golf with the husband), the shower.

Total Shower Items:  26 
Total Items Purged:  3

Lastly for the day, I inventoried my kitchen cupboards (the ones that hold food).  Again, I posted the inventory of what we have on the inside of the cupboard door.  (My husband and I really like this b/c we know what's in there).

Total Cupboard Food Items:  301
Total Items Purged:  75  (Lots of old protein bars and sauce packets)

Monday - Day #3

Woke up and finished inventorying the medicine cabinet before heading off to work.  (The OCD in me just wants to complete this inventory project).  

Final Tally on all Bathroom/Beauty/Make-Up Items:  1019 whopping items!!  Eeek!!  MAJOR downsizing to do there!!  

When I left work I returned 2 items to Bed, Bath, and Beyond that didn't work out and got back $25.79, which I promptly put into a special account where I'm stashing the money I receive from selling items I don't use.  Since I'm still sick, I went to CVS though afterwards and bought some cold Rx (and threw away the very expired Rx I was taking over the weekend), Echinacea (B1G1 Free) and chocolate to try to kick this cold, which brought 4 more items back into the house.

Confession:  I also bought my birthday present from my parents online (2 Lia Sophia necklaces and a pair of earrings).  I didn't need them, but I'd been wanting all 3 for over a year and I got an e-mail saying the one necklace was on sale for $20, so I purchased them only because minimalist rules do not apply (in my world anyway) to birthday money and Christmas money.

Starting my bedroom count now.  This may take a while.....

Tuesday - Day #4

I am shocked by how happy it makes me to walk into the bathroom each morning and see a counter that's not cluttered by a bunch of junk.  (It almost makes me not feel like a horrible person for owning so much stuff.  The consumerism monster definitely got it's hold on me over the years)!! 

Worked some more on the bedroom inventory this morning and dusted all my shelves before I went to work.  I am truly bummed out by how much stuff I own.  Looking at the actual numbers is very eye-opening!  No wonder I have debt I'm paying off!!  

Master Bedroom Items:  1354  (Including socks, underwear, trinkets, pairs of earrings, etc.)
Items Purged:  18  (That was just items that I threw away.  Obviously a huge eBay/Twice Clothing/Goodwill donation purge is about to go down)!  

Once I typed that number above, I immediately began going thru my closet and asking myself four simple questions:

1.  Does it fit?
2.  Is it in good repair?
3.  Do I wear it?
4.  Does it make me feel good?

If it's something I really like that I'll likely fit into soon, I kept it.  Otherwise, out of the closet it came.  Only 8 shirts, 4 belts, a pair of frayed dress pants, a pair of capri pants that I was safety-pinning shut, and a pair of capri pants that make me feel chubby when I wear them came out of the closet.  That kind of makes sense since I only keep the clothes I wear a lot in the master bedroom.  There are 8 more dress tops that I hung front and center in my closet and if I don't wear them in the next 8 business days, they're out.  (Update:  I did wear 3 of them this week and decided 2 others are going on eBay).  

Obviously becoming more minimalist entails only keeping what I really need.  I don't need 14 casual long-sleeve shirts.  They're comfy though and I wear them a lot all year round, so I'm not mentally at the place yet where I can justify getting rid of them just for the sake of having less shirts (and I'm not sure if I'll do so in the future until they wear out).  They're good shirts that I spent my hard-earned money on.  The 35 layering tank tops though - some of those are going on eBay for sure!  That's the thing I have to keep reminding myself - this is a journey and a lifestyle, not a sprint.  It took time to accumulate all these belongings and it's going to take time to eliminate a lot of them.  On a positive note, I've gotten rid of over 200 items in the past 4 days thru purging/donating.

Wednesday - Day #5

Today I didn't feel well at all unfortunately.  When I got off work, I came home and went straight to bed to try to kick this cold.  Other than adding items that were in the laundry room to my closet inventory before this morning, today was a day of rest on "Mission Purge".

Thursday - Day #6

Decided to use this chart (from the PopSugar website.  Click here for the link.) to purge the make-up that is in my Caboodle (no judging b/c I have one of those).  The Caboodle holds only what I'm using right now make-up wise, so this was an easy project while I was getting ready for work.

Mascara1 year
Foundation1 year
Concealer12-18 months
Powder18 months
Blush/bronzer18 months
Cream blush12-18 months
Eye shadow18 months
Eyeliner18 months
Liquid eyeliner6 months
Eyeliner18 months
Liquid eyeliner6 months
Lipstick/lip gloss18 months
Lip liner1 year
Nail polish1 year
Makeup spongesWash after each use, then throw away after a month

The Caboodle had 45 items in it to start.  13 items didn't make the cut, bringing my new Caboodle total down to 32 items.

Friday - Day #7

I took the day off today since my birthday is tomorrow and hope to get a lot accomplished as far as inventorying goes.  I did get a bit of discouraging news right off the bat - Twice Clothing (who I've sold numerous clothing items to over the past two years) is no longer buying clothes and is merging with eBay in a business venture.  I had to pay $4.95 to get the last bag of clothes I sent them back and am now either going to have to donate those items or sell them on eBay myself.  That's a bummer since selling my clothes/shoes to them was so easy!  This will DEFINITELY deter me from buying more clothes b/c now I know it will be more of a hastle to get rid of them.  Anyway, I digress.....

My goal today is to cross the 300 item mark as far as # of items I've gotten rid of (by throwing them away, donating, using, or selling) goes.  I sent back a dress to Victoria's Secret this morning that I recently purchased and never wore.  Right now I'm at 281 items so hitting that number shouldn't be a problem.

I listed 20 clothing & make-up items on eBay, so hopefully they'll sell quickly!  (2 have sold so far).  I love eBay except for the fact it takes so darn long to photograph/measure/write out the listing for all of the items.  

Totals for this Week:

Current Inventory - 3686 (I still have some counting to do though)

Items Purged - 284
Items Donated - 41
Items Used - 33
Items Sold/Returned - 5

(384/4073) = 9.4% of items inventoried have been eliminated so far  (I know - there's still a long way to go, but at least it's a start!)

The best part - I lost 5 lbs this week by eating the food in my fridge/cupboards instead of eating fast food all the time.  :)  Who-hoo!!

Saturday, July 18, 2015


About 3 weeks ago (on June 28, 2015), I posted an update on "becoming minimalist".  (See original post here).  At that time, I imposed a 90-day moratorium on buying clothes and I'm happy to report that I've stuck to it.  It's definitely been tough and my habit of stress shopping online has been tempting a few days, but I haven't caved.  (I did order 3 pieces of jewelry from the website when they offered free shipping, but I'm not counting that as "clothing").  

Now, I'm ready to take things a step (OK, a leap) further though.  I stumbled across this blog yesterday.  It's by a Canadian girl named Cait.  In it, she details how she paid off $30K of debt and eliminated 70% of her possessions and it's been really inspiring to read.  If you've read this blog, you know I mention the Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover quite a bit.  Following that plan is really working for me so far!  I've not been perfect on it by any means, but when I am focused on it, I've paid things off in gazelle-like fashion.  (The numbers look like this):

1/12/13 to 10/19/13 - Paid off $12,000 worth of debt (in 9 months)

10/20/13 to 12/25/14 - Fell off the wagon so to speak and only paid off $3123.03 worth of debt.  (In my defense though, I did take a $12,000 pay cut at a less stressful job during this time, so funds were tight).

12/26/14 to present - paid off $3684.66 worth of debt - Just started a new job in February with and received a pay raise, so once I re-established my $1000 emergency fund, I'm able to throw money at that debt snowball and get things paid off!

Grand Total Paid off to Date:   $18,807.69

I still have $13,611.31 in credit card/stupid line of credit I took out in college to pay off though and $27,136.24 in student loan debt to pay off (for a total of $40,747.55), but I'm chipping away at it with each paycheck.  Roll (debt) snowball, roll!!


Ugh!  I have so many!  Literally, a house full of crap that is basically just clutter.  Cait counted her possessions and kept a running total of what percentage of her possessions she eliminated.  The thought of counting every single item in this house is beyond daunting!  I wouldn't even know where to start!  (I'm guessing the number is in the 1,000's easily)!  (For example - I have 28 colored (not your basic black or blue) ink pens sitting in a holder on my desk alone).  Needless to say, this will be an ongoing process of going through things and eliminating items little by little.


Everyone is different, but I accomplish things best when there's a set goal in mind.  My goals of becoming more minimalist are as follows:

1.  Reduce the overall clutter in my house
2.  Pay off all debt except the house and my student loan by 3/15/16
3.  Increase my focus on relationships by decreasing my focus/distraction on possessions
4.  Sell at least of $1000 worth of items on eBay, the Twice clothing website, etc. and save that money (for what is yet to be determined)

Allowed Items

The things I'm allowing myself to buy over the next 7 months:

**For all items, I'm only allowing myself to buy new if I've run out of something/am about to.**

1.  Groceries
2.  Cosmetics (only basics such as mascara, eyeliner, and foundation)
3.  Toiletries (toothpaste, toilet paper, shaving gel, tampons, etc.)
4.  Essential clothing items (black pants, jeans, comfortable shoes)
5.  Vehicle essentials (gas, oil changes)
6.  Gardening items (seeds, soil, etc.)
7.  Wellness (Rx, vitamins, gym membership, 1 pedicure every 2 months (treat to myself), 1 message each quarter if I stick to my goals)
8.  Household essentials (laundry detergent, light bulbs, etc.)
9.  Gifts for others
10.  Entertainment/"Food for the Soul" - This includes "Friends and Family night" & People Magazine - at least 1x weekly with a budget of $200/month. If I'm not spending money on clothes and subscription boxes, I can put that money towards forging stronger relationships with those I love.  Reading People magazine is part of my Friday night veg out/de-stress routine.  Plus, I re-cycle them by passing the magazines along to friends/family who enjoy them.  
11.  Kitty Cats (food, kitty litter, vet appts, etc.)

Other - (Not sure if I'll actually purchase these items or not, but they are on my "wish list"):
1.  New non-fabric living room couch
2.  New living room chair to replace my grandma's old chair 
3.  Fix cracked laptop screen
4.  Hardwood floors for the house (I have bad allergies, so getting rid of the carpet would help decrease those.  Plus, the carpet is just old and dingy).

My other goal is to post updates at least 1x weekly on how things are going and what I've purchased/purged.  

Wish me luck!!


Monday, July 13, 2015

RAWSPICEBAR June 2015 Subscription Box Review

What it is:  A monthly subscription service that sends 3-4 freshly-ground, small batch custom spice blends from one geography or region each month.  

Cost:  $6/month with free shipping

Details:  Spice blend packets have enough in them to create 3 dishes serving 8-12 people.  RawSpiceBar also sends 3 kitchen-tested recipe cards, plus they offer additional recipes online.

In this Month's Box:  Jamaica

From RawSpiceBar:  

What's Included:

The spices arrived in a 5x7" yellow envelope.

The package included an informational card about this months' selections, 3 recipe cards, and the 3 spice packets.

The Spices:

1.  Jamaican Jerk Spices - Perfect for summer grilling season, jerk refers to the preparation of meat or seafood with a wet or dry rub. This rub has African origins, while thyme, nutmeg and spicy chiles found in the Caribbean were included over time. Use this blend to create a jerk paste for marinating chops, ribs, chicken, shrimp or kebabs.

Here's a close-up of the packet:

The recipe RawSpiceBar sent to use the Jamaican Jerk Rub with was for Jamaican Jerk Fish Tacos:

Since I am not a fan of fish, I substituted the fish with chicken.  (I've been to Jamaica twice and both times had amazing jerk chicken while I was down there, so I was excited to try to recreate the flavor)!

The recipe for this was pretty simple.  I basically just mixed the spices as directed in Step 2 (though I did it in a bowl rather than over heat).

I then poured the mixture over the chicken, rubbed it into the chicken a bit, and let it marinade.

Here's the Final Product:

As you can see from the photo above, there was a lot of seasoning in this mixture.  I ate the chicken just like the photo showed and it was really spicy/hot!  (As in, made my mouth/lips burn).  The flavor was really good, but I would like to try it again and let the chicken marinade longer versus cooking it with all the marinade on it.

2.  Mango Salsa Spices -  Use these spices to create a spicy Jamaican style mango salsa that is a beautiful blend of sweet and spicy and pairs perfectly with a jerk dish of fish, shrimp or chicken. This spice blend can be used on other tropical fruits or light, citrus salad.

Here's a close-up of the packet:

The recipe Raw Spice Bar sent to use the Mango Salsa Spice was for Paprika Ginger Mango Corn Salsa:

Once again, the recipe was easy to follow.  I used canned corn though rather than grilling corn on the cob.  

Here's the final product (paired with the Jamaican Jerk Chicken from above):

At first it seemed a bit odd to me to put corn with a fruit, but this was REALLY good!  The flavors of the mango and corn blended really well together and ended up tasting like a yummy dessert.  

3.  Jamaican Sweet Spices -  This blend of spices is created specifically for creating a sweet, light dessert. Banana fritters, a Jamaican specialty, are jazzed up with cinnamon, nutmeg and Chile peppers plus a mixture of toasted black and white sesame seeds for a hint of nuttiness.

Here's a close-up of the packet:

The recipe Raw Spice Bar sent to use the Jamaican Sweet Spices was for Jamaican Banana Fritters :

This was another really easy recipe to make!  

The mixture turned out pretty thick.  Once prepared, I put it in the skillet.

Simple enough, right?  Wrong!  These little buggers did not want to flip....

I put them on a plate hoping they would become a bit crispier, but they stayed squishy (which is how they looked in the photo on the RawSpiceBar's website).  

I paired it with ice cream and this became dessert for my dad on Father's Day.

This was the most frustrating out of the three recipes to make just because I couldn't get these banana fritters to flip right in the pan.  The cayenne pepper in the spice mixture gave them a kick too, which was a bit odd.  My dad (and mom) liked them though and since I made them for him for Father's Day, that's all that matters.  I won't try making these again in the future though!

OVERALL VERDICT:  As I've said before, this is the perfect starter subscription box for anyone who likes to cook or is trying to learn.  At $6/month, it's affordable and well-curated.  The chicken and mango salsa were amazing and definitely recipes I'd try to make again in the future.  The theme for the July box is "Memphis".  Can't wait to try those recipes!!

Have you checked out Raw Spice Bar yet?  If so, what did you think?


Sunday, July 12, 2015

POPSUGAR MUST HAVE July 2015 Subscription Box Review

What it is:  A monthly lifestyle delivery subscription box.  

Cost:  $39.95/month + tax (discounts available for signing up for a 3 or 6 month subscription).  I signed up for a 3-month subscription for $109.85 + tax ($112.71 total) and saved $10 off the regular price.

Details:  Each month, PopSugar Editors choose an assortment of fabulous surprises in categories of fashion, beauty, home, fitness, food, and more.

This Month's Box Included the Following:

1.  Henri Bendel Signature Stripe Canvas Dopp Kit - RV $28
2.  Supergoop! Defense Refresh Setting Mist SPF 50 - RV $28
3.  Sorial Card Case - RV $28
4.  PopDental Portable Toothbrush - RV $19.99
5.  Yes to Blueberries Cleansing Facial Wipes - RV $5.99
6.  The Good Bean Fruit & No-Nut Bar - RV $1.99
7.  Hallmark Signature Greeting Cards - Set of 3 - RV $14.97+


A Closer Look:

Henri Bendel Signature Stripe Canvas Dopp Kit - RV $28

This was one of the spoilers PopSugar sent out last week that made me excited for this box to arrive.  

The bag has a hinge opening and zipper closure.  It will be great for traveling and putting hair or make-up products in.  I'll definitely use it a lot!  There was also a coupon code for 20% off my next purchase at Henri Bendel.  

Supergoop! Defense Refresh Setting Mist SPF 50 - RV $28

I feel like I've gotten a lot of Supergoop products in subscription boxes recently.  I like the concept of a setting mist and that it's SPF 50, so I'll probably keep this one and put some of the other ones I haven't opened on eBay.  I've read you have to shake this product up really good (just something to keep in mind).    

Sorial Card Case - RV $28

This is a cute little case and it's a different design than I've ever seen before.  I love the color (red) too!

It also came with a coupon code to receive $25 off my next purchase of $25 on the website.  There's a purse available for $25 that I tried to buy, but the code said it wasn't valid.  I e-mailed customer service about it and will keep you posted on what happens.  

PopDental Portable Toothbrush - RV $19.99

At first I was really excited about this toothbrush b/c I thought it was an electric one. However, this one vibrates.  (Something I've never seen/heard of before).  It's really odd to use b/c it just vibrates rapidly against your teeth.  Not sure if it's doing anything cleaning-wise or not, so that was kind of a disappointment.  It comes with a replacement head and is in a nice, hard case.  I might throw it in my desk drawer and use it as a regular toothbrush at work or when I travel.

Yes to Blueberries Cleansing Facial Wipes - 25 wipes - RV $5.99

This is a nice, big package of wipes.  They're big too, so they would be perfect for camping or to take to the gym.  The only thing I don't like about the Yes (to Blueberries, Tomatoes, etc.) products is that after using them, I always have to rinse my face off b/c I can feel the product residue.  I've mainly been using them when I get home from work to wash my make-up off (and then wash my face fully before I go to bed).

The Good Bean Fruit & No-Nut Bar - RV $1.99

It's always fun to try something new and I love that PopSugar always includes at least one food item in each box.  This little bar was tasty and I like the ingredients in it.
Hallmark Signature Greeting Cards - Set of 3 - RV $14.97+

Besides the Henri Bendel bag, these are my favorite item(s) from the box.  

It's actually a set of 3 cards and one of them can be hung on the wall.  I'm always happy to receive cards in a box b/c I'm horrible at planning ahead and buying them for special occasions.  There were different variations sent out, but I LOVE the ones I received (one for a birthday, one for a wedding, and one all-occasion card).    

VERDICT:  With my 3-month subscription, this box averages out to $37.57/month and it had a retail value of $126.94.  The bag, toothbrush, and cards were definitely worth that!  Though I may not have LOVED all the items in this box, they're all very practical and I will definitely use them all.  This was the last month of my 3-month subscription and I definitely plan on continuing on a month-to-month basis.  

Have you checked out PopSugar yet?  If so, what did you think?


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

GRAZE July 2015 Subscription Box Review - Box #5

What it is:  Graze is a mini-snack subscription box that sends customized selections of snacks weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly depending on your preference.  

Cost:  The price of these boxes range from $6.99/box to $25/box depending on which selection you choose.  For my first box, I chose the 4 snack variety box ($6.99 regularly). 

Details:  Graze offers over 100 different snacks that you can rate online to help tailor your subscription to your preferences.  (When I filled my profile out, I left everything as "try it" except for 2 soups that I knew I wouldn't like.  Each time I try a snack, I update my profile accordingly as to whether I liked it, loved it, or wanted to "trash" it).  They currently offer 9 different types of box selections including the following:  sharing box, 8 snack variety box, 4 snack variety box, sweet treat box, savory box, flapjack box, calorie count box, sugar count box, and the protein box.  

**COUPON ALERT:  Receive your first box free by clicking on this link!  (Which is what I did for my first box)!**  

This card has nutritional information, ingredients, and expiration dates for each snack.  This would be especially helpful for anyone with food allergies or who is counting carbs/calories.

What's inside:


For my fourth box, Graze sent me the following snacks to try:

1.  Summer Berry Flapjack - LIKE
2.  Garden of England - LOVE
3.  Natural Energy Nuts - LIKE
4.  Raspberry & Coconut Muffin - LIKE
5.  Hot Pepper Jam - TRASH
6.  Brazil, Cashew, & Pistachio Nuts - LIKE
7.  Natural Vanilla Seeds - LIKE
8.  Strawberries & Cream Granola Topper - LOVE 

Again, I loved the variety.  This box came with 5 sweet and 3 salty snacks!  The snacks are individually packaged and perfect to throw in your purse/bag.  In the end, I liked 5/8 snacks they sent.  My favorite was the Strawberries & Cream Granola Topper. This box is perfect for days at work when I don't have time to run out and get lunch.  (I always keep one in my purse to re-fuel).  

VERDICT:  I love this subscription box!  As I mentioned above, if you click this link, you'll receive your first box free to try.  
