Thursday, February 27, 2014

Take Shape for Life - Week #1 Results

Well, I survived the first week!  It wasn't always pretty (see my Day #4 post), but I made it.  The rest of the week (Days #5-#7) went a little bit like this....

I did gain a half a pound back Sunday after eating the pizza.  Honestly though, it was worth it and I'm not going to freak out over it.  If that's what it takes to get me to stick to this eating plan, so be it!  

It was much easier to stick to the eating plan Monday since I was at work.  It's a pain to go out and get lunch anyway, so having my snacks in my purse is the easiest thing ever!  By Tuesday morning, Sunday's half pound was back off.  Tuesday I was driving all day and stuck to the plan as well.

Then came Tuesday night....  The day at work ended on a down note, hubs made me mad, and I'm PMS'ing.  That combo led to me eating Kroger's red velvet cake (also my favorite, but I ate it before I could take a picture) and saying "screw the diet" and anyone who has an issue with my weight!  (When lose my focus on my eating and go off the rails, I go big!!!).

Wednesday, I stuck to the eating plan at work (except for a banana that my co-worker gave me).  Wednesday night, I had some Oreo cookies along with my healthy protein.

Here's the conclusion I've come to:  I'll eat the TSFL food for the most part and drink my water, but if I want to have a piece of pizza or a cookie, I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  I know this means the weight will come off slower, but being crazed over pizza cravings is not a rational way to live.

In the end, with only partially following the TSFL plan, I lost 3.4 lbs this week.  Overall, that's a success!

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