Sunday, February 2, 2014

WOW! Has it really been over a year since my last blog?!

I just realized it's been 14 months since my last blog!  Wow!!  I guess this past year has been kind of busy...

I was obsessed with monthly subscription boxes when I was blogging before!  I think I was up to 14 of them at one point.  (I really LOVE opening "presents", can you tell)?  :)  Then, in November, 2012, I decided I was going to cancel most of my lovely boxes (sad face) and focus on paying off my debt so that one day, I'll be able to work because I love it (versus needing the paycheck).  My friend introduced me to Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover book series and my life was forever changed!  I put myself on a budget, started paying for things with cash, and got my "debt snowball" rolling.  I put some things I no longer needed/wore on eBay and had gazelle-like focus on my goal.  Within 13 months, I paid off $12,000 in debt!!  Who-hoo!!

On July 3, 2013, I started the Take Shape for Life eating plan also (after a co-worker successfully lost over 50 lbs in a matter of months).  By October, I had lost 40 lbs.  Another who-hoo!! 

November, December, and January were really stressful at work.  (I received a promotion, but was still doing my old job as well until my replacement was hired/trained).  I was stressed and I justified buying new clothes by telling myself I "needed" them b/c of all the weight I lost.  The budget and eating plan went out the window for the most part during those months, nearly along with my sanity! (And I gained 6 lbs back).

So, now it's 14 months since my last blog and time to get 2014 started off right!  (Yes, I know I'm a month late).  I just got back from a wonderful vacation to Florida and from having 2 weeks off work (gained 10 lbs back on vacation - oops!!).  Time to re-focus on my budget, my weight loss, my work, and my poor, neglected blog....

(P.S. - In case you were wondering, the only subscription boxes I still have are my Ipsy box (a very affordable $10/month) and Stitch Fix ($20/monthly styling fee, plus I can purchase the clothing/jewelry items I want to keep from what my stylist sends me - and the $20 monthly fee goes towards anything I purchase).  If you're interested in signing up, please click on this link.  I receive a $25 referral credit for anyone who signs up using this link, which I will no doubt put towards future "fixes" and would be SOOOO grateful for!!  My first "fix" is supposed to arrive tomorrow.  I'll be sure to do a blog post this week for what I receive).

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