Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Product Junkie in the City - The Shower Revelations

I hopped in my shower this past Saturday and started staring at all the products within - what my favorites are and what I don't really care so much for.  And then it hit me - I rarely throw anything away.....

Let's take my shower caddie for example....

As I looked at it, I realized there's only really two things in it that I really love and would deem "favorites" - the "Be Enchanted" shower gel from Bath & Body Works (smells citrus-y and fresh and makes me feel more awake in the morning when I use it) and the little blue face scrubber in the bottom of the caddie that came with an old bottle of facial cleanser.  Other than that, the things in here are just things I'm trying to use up.  

So why would I keep all this stuff I don't even really care for?  

For one, I don't like to waste things.  

Some of these items came in subscription boxes (the upside down little bottle of Nelson Argon Oil Shampoo in the front left and the Macadamia Hair Oil sample in the bottom rack).  The generic conditioner sample is something the hubs brought home from staying in a hotel for work.  The two golden bottles of L'Oreal Shampoo and Conditioner (far right and left) were gifts from my mother-in-law for Christmas.  The big, pink bottle of Soft Soap Strawberry Shower Smoothie was an impulse buy at Kroger b/c I like the scent of strawberries.  The little Luxuvia sample was given to me at the Merle Norman store 5 years ago when I got married.  Throwing these things away would mean wasting money (or savings from throwing away something that was free that I'll have to buy later in another form).

That led to the next revelation - I don't really like to spend my money.

In retrospect, this is what leads me to use credit cards.  More often than not, I have the money to pay for something with cash.  I just don't want to give my cash away.  I want to hold on to it and keep it in a savings account because damnit, I worked hard for that money and what happens if I ever don't have enough!  (Which is the point of Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover.  He tells you to use cash for purchases because it hurts more.  Does it ever!).  

The next revelation - somehow being surrounded by things makes me feel validated.

I'm a visual person.  Closets full of "things" makes me feel like I've achieved something because you have to be successful to have all this stuff, right?  The same with my office at work - the more papers I have on my desk, the more the Company needs me right?  Look at all this work I have to do!  It's not for anyone else to see (I'm actually embarrassed when my desk is messy).  It's for my own personal validation.  (Where did I ever come up with this??)!

The last revelation - I need to purge my closets/drawers.

Look at this sad, little hair clip - 2 of the 3 prongs are broken off.  And yet I've kept it for years.  It still kind of works (if you like the hair-tilting-to-the-side look).  Time for said clip to go bye-bye!

And look at this bra - it is falling apart!  It's from Lane Bryant and I've had it for years and love it!  (It's one of those back smoothing ones and the fabric is so soft).  I paid over $60 for it.  However, I've lost weight and my boobs haven't been the size of this bra since last September/October.  I finally sucked it up and ordered some new bras from Victoria's Secret.  They came today and they fit/aren't falling apart.  It's time for this little (OK, it's big - who am I kidding) puppy to be thrown away too!  Job well done bra!

I've done a little purging as I've lost weight - selling my "fat clothes" on eBay or donating them to AmVets.  I've used the money I've made by selling my clothes to buy new ones that fit and to pay off debt.  I still need to go thru my stuff and get rid of all things broken or damaged that I can't fix (or just don't want to).

At age 36, I know I've accomplished a lot in my life and I'm proud of it.  And I know my company needs me because I am an incredibly loyal, hard worker and always strive to do my best!  "Things" don't define me.  How I live my life each day and treat those around me does!  

Who knew taking a shower could also cleanse my soul?!  Can't wait to see what happens if I decide to cook :).

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