Sunday, February 23, 2014

Take Shape for Life - Day #4 - The Agitation has Set In.....

Day #4 - Sunday


Lost a half a pound yesterday.  At first I was bummed that after only 2 days, the pound+ per day weight loss numbers are already gone.  Then I reminded myself I need to be realistic.  It's not "normal" to lose that much weight per day.  WebMD states you can safely lose 3 lbs per week with a healthy diet and exercise.  TSFL recommends waiting 2-3 weeks before beginning an exercise program though.  (Truth be told, when I lost 40 lbs before, I never did start exercising.  I lost 40 lbs in 3 1/2 months with just sticking (mostly) to the eating plan).

I will say that I'm kicking myself for ever stopping the eating plan back in September.  I would be pretty close to my goal weight by now if I hadn't.  There's no sense dwelling on what "could've been" though.  Day-by-day, I'm trying to stick to the plan now.  So far, those stupid M&M's are still sealed up in their bag in the freezer.  (Yesterday was a close one though.  Were it not for the fact I knew I'd have to admit to eating them on this blog, they would've been devoured.  Even though this blog isn't some nationally famous one, it is read by several dozen people, and to you, I am accountable).  Thank you readers!!


Tried to will Spring into arriving (as it started to snow) and decided I was going to look for this shirt they had in the People Style Watch magazine that just came.  

Great color, great style, great price.  Was totally going to order it.  Problem is, Forever 21 doesn't sell it anymore thru their website.  Thanks a lot People Style Watch for getting my hopes up!  (Agitation is starting to build)....

So then I go into my "Spring/Summer" closet to do some "closet shopping" - AKA pulling clothes out of my closet that I haven't worn for 6 months instead of buying new clothes).

Epic fail!  You know why?  Because other than a few shirts that I've never worn, I'm sick of everything in that closet!  I've either worn it to death, or it's too small right now to wear (AKA - cute pink and mauve striped shirt that I wore back in 2003 and green/white striped skirt I last wore on a cruise many years ago).  Need a light in the closet and it's grey outside.  Got so irritated I decided 90% of this closet is going on eBay this spring!  Agitation builds even more thinking of what a pain in the tail that's going to be to list/ship all this stuff.    


Why am I so grumpy?  It's just clothes and it's still snowing outside.  It's not time to even think about wearing this stuff!  Oh yah - because I'm hungry!  I'm pissed off and hungry!!  Just ate some steak from last night (which was fabulous, thank you hubs!), but I want pizza - greasy, cheesy, saucy pizza.

Mind you, I've been thru this before.  I remember how tough the first week was the last time and how at first, eating healthier was just flat out HARD!  I just have to keep going (and stay away from my closet and those damn M&M's).  

No kidding - husband just walked in and brought a pizza with him.  Ugh!  Efff my life!!!!!  Pizza won!  

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