Sunday, February 23, 2014

Why the Name "Product Junkie in the City"?

Ever wonder where bloggers come up with the name for their blogs?  Well, I'll tell you why I named mine what I did.  Here is my hall closet:  

.......  And this is only 2 of the 5 shelves!!

For as long as I can remember, I have loved to collect anything that looks pretty, smells pretty, has a shimmery bottle, etc.  And when I find things I really like, I stockpile them (not like those people you see on TV w/that have 20 years worth of toothpaste in their garage, but I will buy 5 or 6 bottles of something I really love out of fear it might sell out or be discontinued).  I love to try new things - especially make-up and shower gel!  Les Wexner and I should be besties with as much money as I've spent at his stores over the years!

Last year when I was really focused on paying bills off, I put myself on a Bath and Body Works freeze and didn't let myself buy anything there for over 6 months.  I managed to use enough of my existing gels and body sprays during that time to at least use up what wouldn't fit into my poor hall closet.  (And then like a fiend, I went in around Halloween and stocked up on all things pumpkin - Cinnamon Pumpkin, Butter Pumpkin, You-Name-It Pumpkin - I smelled like it).  :)

Living in Columbus (AKA - "the City"), affords me the luxury of having pretty much any store imaginable within 15 minutes of me.  There is literally a huge mall on each of the 4 sides of the I-270 outer belt.  And then once I discovered monthly subscription boxes, it became even easier.  As I mentioned in an earlier blog, at one point, I had 14 subscription boxes coming to my house - most of them filled with beauty products.  And that's where the "Product Junkie in the City" blog was born.....  I can't get enough of this stuff!  This little blog helps me get the word out about what I've found that I like, what I don't like, and what you might want to try out too.  (With a little bit of weight loss accountability thrown in there too).  Hope you enjoy my little posts!  


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