Thursday, July 10, 2014

Spending Freeze Series - You Look Familiar....

As you know, I'm currently on a 30-day spending freeze when it comes to clothes.  The action steps for this "freeze" include the following:

Step 1:  Don't spend any money on clothes until after 8/5/14.
Step 2:  Take inventory of what I already have.  I know there's clothes/shoes in my closet that I've never even worn (and have forgotten are even in there).
Step 3:  Donate or sell what doesn't fit or what I won't wear.
Step 4:  Be accountable on my blog.  I'll post an update every few days (hopefully more often) and let you know how it's going.

While going thru the shoes in my small closet, I discovered 2 pairs of shoes that looked familiar (as in almost alike):

The ones on the left are from White House Black Market.  I bought them 2 or 3 years ago and have worn them once.  The ones on the right are from INC Concepts (Macy's) and were purchased last year.  They've also been worn once.  When I bought the INC shoes, I had honestly forgotten I owned the WHBM ones and fell in love with the fact they were on clearance, were sparkly, and were a wedge.

Guess I have a type!  Since the WHBM ones (on left) are more versatile than the ones on the INC ones on the right (they have purple/lavendar crystals on them), they stay and the purple, sparkly shoes are headed to eBay.  (Again, making my closet work for me versus me working for what's in my closet).  If I don't wear the WHBM wedges this week, they're headed to eBay as well.

Update:  I actually wore the WHBM wedges Monday to work and they killed my poor little pinkie toes.  By lunch time and I had to switch over to my Sperry's.  I hate to get rid of them too, but there's no sense in keeping shoes that I can only wear for 1/2 a day.  Looks like they need a new home as well!


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