Monday, July 7, 2014

Spending Freeze Series - These Shoes Tell a Story!

I recently put myself on a spending freeze of not buying any clothes for 30 days.  (I'm a stress and boredom shopper, so for me, this will definitely be a challenge).  The action steps for this freeze were simple:

Step 1:  Don't spend any money on clothes until after 8/5/14.
Step 2:  Take inventory of what I already have.  I know there's clothes/shoes in my closet that I've never even worn (and have forgotten are even in there).
Step 3:  Donate or sell what doesn't fit or what I won't wear.
Step 4:  Be accountable on my blog.  I'll post an update every few days (hopefully more often) and let you know how it's going.

As part of Step #2 and #3, I began going thru my closet to take inventory of what I have and to sell what doesn't fit or I won't wear.  That's when I came across these little beauties....

I only wore these shoes once over a year ago and when I tried them on today, they kept sliding off my heals.  Naturally, they're going up on eBay.  Before they go off to their new home with someone fabulous who will rock them, their story needs to be told.  (I mean, after all, when you find shoes with red glitter (yes, freaking GLITTER) on the bottom of them, they represent a fun time)!

Picture it: A work conference, a Katy Perry outfit, and these fabulous heels!  

Every year my former employer holds a 3-day conference.  As part of the first night, there is a theme party.  In 2012, the theme entailed dressing up as a famous character/celebrity.  I decided to be Katy Perry (a-la California Dreams).  I had so much fun putting this outfit together!  I ordered the dress, the necklace, the wig, the microphone, the pink tutu to go under the dress, the white knee socks, and of course, the fabulous pink shoes.

By the end of the night (after a celebrity talent show of sorts and a few glasses of wine), a bunch of us ended up in the pool and we swam for what felt like forever, costumes and all (fabulous shoes sitting safely on the pool deck), rotating between the pool and the hot tub, laughing, throwing people in the pool, swimming, and just hanging out/having a good time.  (Hence, the red glitter from my costume ending up on the bottom of my shoes.  That stuff washed right off the cupcake on my costume onto the pool deck when I got out and then I stepped in my red, sparkly puddle).

And that is the story of my fabulous, sparkly hot pink shoes (that now need a new home).  If you're a size 8 1/2, you can buy them now on e-Bay and make some fabulous memories of your own.


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