Saturday, April 12, 2014

31 Days of Decluttering - Day #23 - Bathroom Counters

This one was easy for me b/c my bathroom counter is small.  Having one or two bottles of hair product out makes the counter look completely cluttered.  That's why it's set up to have only the bare minimum on it (and there's so much stuff in the medicine cabinet).  Plus, I already cleaned the counter off when I did Day #2 - Toiletries.

Here's the "before" photo:

Here's the action steps from "From Overwhelmed to Organized":
  • Toss all garbage that is on the counter (empty toothpaste tubes, tissues, etc.)
  • Throw out any old make-up
  • Relocate any items that don't belong on the counter
  • Hopefully you already decluttered your toiletries on day 2 but if you haven't done that, do it now.
Here's the "after" photo:

Basically all I had to do was put hubs' glasses and contact cases away and Clorox wipe the counter and sink off.  I also scrubbed the toothpaste off the wall and fronts of the cabinets.  (I love my husband, but somehow he manages to get that stuff EVERYWHERE in the bathroom).  Easy enough!

Next Up:  Day #24 - Laundry Room

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