Saturday, May 30, 2015

Shaker Lemon Pie Recipe from CLUB W - Review

Just in case you missed my blog post from yesterday about Club W, I wanted to highlight the amazing Shaker Lemon Pie Recipe it included.  Click here to see the entire blog post.  This is the run-down of the pie recipe though.  It was so yummy, it deserves it's own post!

Club W sends recipe cards which feature flavorful meal pairings to go with each wine.  In this case, the recipe was for a shaker lemon pie.  I've never made a pie before and I love lemon, so I decided to give it a try.

 The instructions for this pie were nice and easy!  You basically just slice 2 lemons and add them in with 2 c sugar and 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract.  

The lemon acidity ends up dissolving the sugar. 

 Preheat the oven to 450 degrees and combine 4 beaten eggs in with the lemon mixture.

For the pie crust, I bought one from Kroger.  (This is the first pie I've ever made.  Maybe in the future I'll try to make my own pie crust, but for my first one, I went for simplicity). 

Laid the pie crust out in the bottom of the plate and formed it.

Next, add the lemon mixture and bake pie in the center of the oven at 425 degrees for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, turn the oven down to 325 degrees and back for another 45 minutes (or until pie is set).

The final product:

This pie was a lot of fun to make!  I loved slicing the lemons and seeing how the lemon juice liquefied the sugar.  It was fun to arrange everything and to make the pie pretty.  And, it tasted really good too, especially with vanilla ice cream and the Lemon Squeezy wine!

Overall, I came to the conclusion I'm just not a wine aficionado.  However, this pie recipe made the entire experience worth it!  It was soooo good!  

Have you checked out Club W or tried this recipe yet?  If so, what did you think?


1 comment:

  1. This pie is just lemon, sugar, and eggs? I may have to try it, I love a refreshing lemon dessert in the summertime!
