Thursday, February 27, 2014

Take Shape for Life - Week #1 Results

Well, I survived the first week!  It wasn't always pretty (see my Day #4 post), but I made it.  The rest of the week (Days #5-#7) went a little bit like this....

I did gain a half a pound back Sunday after eating the pizza.  Honestly though, it was worth it and I'm not going to freak out over it.  If that's what it takes to get me to stick to this eating plan, so be it!  

It was much easier to stick to the eating plan Monday since I was at work.  It's a pain to go out and get lunch anyway, so having my snacks in my purse is the easiest thing ever!  By Tuesday morning, Sunday's half pound was back off.  Tuesday I was driving all day and stuck to the plan as well.

Then came Tuesday night....  The day at work ended on a down note, hubs made me mad, and I'm PMS'ing.  That combo led to me eating Kroger's red velvet cake (also my favorite, but I ate it before I could take a picture) and saying "screw the diet" and anyone who has an issue with my weight!  (When lose my focus on my eating and go off the rails, I go big!!!).

Wednesday, I stuck to the eating plan at work (except for a banana that my co-worker gave me).  Wednesday night, I had some Oreo cookies along with my healthy protein.

Here's the conclusion I've come to:  I'll eat the TSFL food for the most part and drink my water, but if I want to have a piece of pizza or a cookie, I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  I know this means the weight will come off slower, but being crazed over pizza cravings is not a rational way to live.

In the end, with only partially following the TSFL plan, I lost 3.4 lbs this week.  Overall, that's a success!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Product Junkie in the City - The Shower Revelations

I hopped in my shower this past Saturday and started staring at all the products within - what my favorites are and what I don't really care so much for.  And then it hit me - I rarely throw anything away.....

Let's take my shower caddie for example....

As I looked at it, I realized there's only really two things in it that I really love and would deem "favorites" - the "Be Enchanted" shower gel from Bath & Body Works (smells citrus-y and fresh and makes me feel more awake in the morning when I use it) and the little blue face scrubber in the bottom of the caddie that came with an old bottle of facial cleanser.  Other than that, the things in here are just things I'm trying to use up.  

So why would I keep all this stuff I don't even really care for?  

For one, I don't like to waste things.  

Some of these items came in subscription boxes (the upside down little bottle of Nelson Argon Oil Shampoo in the front left and the Macadamia Hair Oil sample in the bottom rack).  The generic conditioner sample is something the hubs brought home from staying in a hotel for work.  The two golden bottles of L'Oreal Shampoo and Conditioner (far right and left) were gifts from my mother-in-law for Christmas.  The big, pink bottle of Soft Soap Strawberry Shower Smoothie was an impulse buy at Kroger b/c I like the scent of strawberries.  The little Luxuvia sample was given to me at the Merle Norman store 5 years ago when I got married.  Throwing these things away would mean wasting money (or savings from throwing away something that was free that I'll have to buy later in another form).

That led to the next revelation - I don't really like to spend my money.

In retrospect, this is what leads me to use credit cards.  More often than not, I have the money to pay for something with cash.  I just don't want to give my cash away.  I want to hold on to it and keep it in a savings account because damnit, I worked hard for that money and what happens if I ever don't have enough!  (Which is the point of Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover.  He tells you to use cash for purchases because it hurts more.  Does it ever!).  

The next revelation - somehow being surrounded by things makes me feel validated.

I'm a visual person.  Closets full of "things" makes me feel like I've achieved something because you have to be successful to have all this stuff, right?  The same with my office at work - the more papers I have on my desk, the more the Company needs me right?  Look at all this work I have to do!  It's not for anyone else to see (I'm actually embarrassed when my desk is messy).  It's for my own personal validation.  (Where did I ever come up with this??)!

The last revelation - I need to purge my closets/drawers.

Look at this sad, little hair clip - 2 of the 3 prongs are broken off.  And yet I've kept it for years.  It still kind of works (if you like the hair-tilting-to-the-side look).  Time for said clip to go bye-bye!

And look at this bra - it is falling apart!  It's from Lane Bryant and I've had it for years and love it!  (It's one of those back smoothing ones and the fabric is so soft).  I paid over $60 for it.  However, I've lost weight and my boobs haven't been the size of this bra since last September/October.  I finally sucked it up and ordered some new bras from Victoria's Secret.  They came today and they fit/aren't falling apart.  It's time for this little (OK, it's big - who am I kidding) puppy to be thrown away too!  Job well done bra!

I've done a little purging as I've lost weight - selling my "fat clothes" on eBay or donating them to AmVets.  I've used the money I've made by selling my clothes to buy new ones that fit and to pay off debt.  I still need to go thru my stuff and get rid of all things broken or damaged that I can't fix (or just don't want to).

At age 36, I know I've accomplished a lot in my life and I'm proud of it.  And I know my company needs me because I am an incredibly loyal, hard worker and always strive to do my best!  "Things" don't define me.  How I live my life each day and treat those around me does!  

Who knew taking a shower could also cleanse my soul?!  Can't wait to see what happens if I decide to cook :).

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Hair Product I Can't Live Without!!

I have tried gobs and gobs of hair products over the years - everything from the $1 Rave hairspray to the $28 L'Oreal shampoo my mother-in-law gave me for Christmas.  I probably went thru 10 different kinds of hairsprays freshman year of high school alone.  (Those cascading water-fall bangs didn't hold themselves up).  It's a never-ending quest for hair fabulosity!

During this quest, I discovered dry shampoo.  I've tried a few different brands, but this one takes the cake!  At age 36, I can honestly say the one product I can't live without is:

Suave Professionals Dry Shampoo Spray

It's my favorite hair product so many reasons:

1.  It's so easy - You just spray it in to your hair like hairspray on the spots where your hair looks oily and rub it around (like when you're washing your hair, but softly).  It has mineral clay in it that absorbs oil and 
2.  It gives your hair great body!
3.  I am too lazy to wash and blow-dry my hair every day. 
4.  Even if I wasn't lazy, I don't have time to wash my hair every day.  (I have long hair, so blow-drying my mane takes over 20 minutes alone).  
5.  It absorbs oil and refreshes hair between washes. (With this stuff, I can go up to 3 days (even 4 on a few occasions) without washing my hair).
6.  It smells great! (It has a citrus smell to it.  Yum!)
7.  It's affordable!  (My local Walmart sells it for $2.88.  What a steal!!) 

 Suave Dry Shampoo - where have you been all my life!!  

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Take Shape for Life - Day #4 - The Agitation has Set In.....

Day #4 - Sunday


Lost a half a pound yesterday.  At first I was bummed that after only 2 days, the pound+ per day weight loss numbers are already gone.  Then I reminded myself I need to be realistic.  It's not "normal" to lose that much weight per day.  WebMD states you can safely lose 3 lbs per week with a healthy diet and exercise.  TSFL recommends waiting 2-3 weeks before beginning an exercise program though.  (Truth be told, when I lost 40 lbs before, I never did start exercising.  I lost 40 lbs in 3 1/2 months with just sticking (mostly) to the eating plan).

I will say that I'm kicking myself for ever stopping the eating plan back in September.  I would be pretty close to my goal weight by now if I hadn't.  There's no sense dwelling on what "could've been" though.  Day-by-day, I'm trying to stick to the plan now.  So far, those stupid M&M's are still sealed up in their bag in the freezer.  (Yesterday was a close one though.  Were it not for the fact I knew I'd have to admit to eating them on this blog, they would've been devoured.  Even though this blog isn't some nationally famous one, it is read by several dozen people, and to you, I am accountable).  Thank you readers!!


Tried to will Spring into arriving (as it started to snow) and decided I was going to look for this shirt they had in the People Style Watch magazine that just came.  

Great color, great style, great price.  Was totally going to order it.  Problem is, Forever 21 doesn't sell it anymore thru their website.  Thanks a lot People Style Watch for getting my hopes up!  (Agitation is starting to build)....

So then I go into my "Spring/Summer" closet to do some "closet shopping" - AKA pulling clothes out of my closet that I haven't worn for 6 months instead of buying new clothes).

Epic fail!  You know why?  Because other than a few shirts that I've never worn, I'm sick of everything in that closet!  I've either worn it to death, or it's too small right now to wear (AKA - cute pink and mauve striped shirt that I wore back in 2003 and green/white striped skirt I last wore on a cruise many years ago).  Need a light in the closet and it's grey outside.  Got so irritated I decided 90% of this closet is going on eBay this spring!  Agitation builds even more thinking of what a pain in the tail that's going to be to list/ship all this stuff.    


Why am I so grumpy?  It's just clothes and it's still snowing outside.  It's not time to even think about wearing this stuff!  Oh yah - because I'm hungry!  I'm pissed off and hungry!!  Just ate some steak from last night (which was fabulous, thank you hubs!), but I want pizza - greasy, cheesy, saucy pizza.

Mind you, I've been thru this before.  I remember how tough the first week was the last time and how at first, eating healthier was just flat out HARD!  I just have to keep going (and stay away from my closet and those damn M&M's).  

No kidding - husband just walked in and brought a pizza with him.  Ugh!  Efff my life!!!!!  Pizza won!  

Why the Name "Product Junkie in the City"?

Ever wonder where bloggers come up with the name for their blogs?  Well, I'll tell you why I named mine what I did.  Here is my hall closet:  

.......  And this is only 2 of the 5 shelves!!

For as long as I can remember, I have loved to collect anything that looks pretty, smells pretty, has a shimmery bottle, etc.  And when I find things I really like, I stockpile them (not like those people you see on TV w/that have 20 years worth of toothpaste in their garage, but I will buy 5 or 6 bottles of something I really love out of fear it might sell out or be discontinued).  I love to try new things - especially make-up and shower gel!  Les Wexner and I should be besties with as much money as I've spent at his stores over the years!

Last year when I was really focused on paying bills off, I put myself on a Bath and Body Works freeze and didn't let myself buy anything there for over 6 months.  I managed to use enough of my existing gels and body sprays during that time to at least use up what wouldn't fit into my poor hall closet.  (And then like a fiend, I went in around Halloween and stocked up on all things pumpkin - Cinnamon Pumpkin, Butter Pumpkin, You-Name-It Pumpkin - I smelled like it).  :)

Living in Columbus (AKA - "the City"), affords me the luxury of having pretty much any store imaginable within 15 minutes of me.  There is literally a huge mall on each of the 4 sides of the I-270 outer belt.  And then once I discovered monthly subscription boxes, it became even easier.  As I mentioned in an earlier blog, at one point, I had 14 subscription boxes coming to my house - most of them filled with beauty products.  And that's where the "Product Junkie in the City" blog was born.....  I can't get enough of this stuff!  This little blog helps me get the word out about what I've found that I like, what I don't like, and what you might want to try out too.  (With a little bit of weight loss accountability thrown in there too).  Hope you enjoy my little posts!  


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Take Shape for Life - Day #3 - 1.8 More Lbs Down!

Day #3 - Saturday - (AKA - the toughest time to stick to an eating plan).  I'm home with my cupboards full of temptation and the hubs (husband), who is not on an eating plan.  The last time I started this plan (on 7/3/13), I threw away all the bad food and tried to rid my cupboards of anything that would tempt me.  That's not really fair to the hubs though.  (Plus, I'm too cheap to throw away perfectly good food, so hopefully he'll eat it when I'm not around).  Perhaps this is a big mistake though.....  

While searching in the freezer last night to find the meat portion of my "lean & green" meal for today, I found these:

Have you ever had these?  If not, let me tell you - they're basically crack!!  (Want to know my favorite chocolate of all time?  These are it!).  I bought a bag at Target just before Christmas and they were so addicting, I was literally driving around Christmas Day trying to find more.  I ended up buying 20 bags of them (no joke - I counted) after Christmas when they were on clearance for 88 cents a bag.  Thought they were all gone, but then I found 2 bags of them in my freezer door.  Had to make myself go to bed last night so I wouldn't eat them.  The craving for them was SO BAD!!!!  (They're still making me salivate!).

Alas, I jumped on the scale this morning and had lost 1.8 lbs yesterday.  See - not eating those M&M's was worth it!  Now I'm off to drink some water and make a TSFL chocolate shake.....

Anyone else out there doing TSFL (or another diet/eating plan)?  If so, how is it going and how do you avoid temptation?  Weight loss is a (personal) war folks, and we need to stick together!



Friday, February 21, 2014

Take Shape for Life - Day #2 - 1.6 lbs Down!

As soon as I woke up this morning, I couldn't wait to get on the scale!  I know this plan works, it's just a matter of having the dedication and willpower to follow it!  Sure enough - I dropped 1.6 lbs since yesterday morning.  Sweet!  

Seeing results of course gave me motivation to stick to the plan today, but it wasn't easy.  In fact, following this plan at times feels like an all-out war is going inside my head with regards to my willpower.  I was in an all-day meeting at my office today and of course (my favorite) Donatos pizza was ordered.  Pieces of juicy cheese pizza were literally to my left and my right.  I didn't cave though.  I sat there instead and drank my water and ate my bag of cinnamon pretzel sticks (which I actually really love).  

After that meeting, I had to run to another meeting an hour away (downside - I nearly peed my pants in the car b/c of drinking so much water).  On my way to the meeting and back from it I passed my favorite place for Japanese food - Gengi Go.  Just thinking about their fabulous steak and fried rice is making me salivate as I'm typing.  Alas, I resisted the urge to stop though.  Go me!

In the end, I got my 5 snacks in throughout the day and even got my water in.  (Maybe even an extra 16 oz b/c I lost count of how much I had drank).  I know I drank at least four 16-oz bottles though.  My chicken breasts to bake in the oven are thawing as we speak.  

I remember from doing TSFL before that the first week or two, the weight falls off, then I'll plateau for a few days.  Sticking to the plan is the key.  However, since I'm in the first week, I can't wait to hop on the scale tomorrow!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Take Shape for Life - Day #1 - Back on the Wagon....

I am so proud of myself today!  I stuck to the Take Shape for Life Plan overall (while again wearing my too-tight skinny jeans as punishment for yesterday).  While on the plan, I'm supposed to eat a low-glycemic TSFL snacks (from their selection of over 80 items) every 2-3 hours (for a total of 5 for the day) and one lean and green meal and drink 8 8-oz glasses of water.  

I had a Calorie Burn Cappuccino for breakfast, a S'more bar just before lunch, Cinnamon Pretzels for a mid-afternoon snack, 6 oz of chicken for dinner, and a brownie for my evening snack.  Unfortunately, I was so busy at work that I missed my first TSFL snack and was only able to get in 40 of the 64 oz. of water I was supposed to drink.  However, I resisted the fruit snacks in my desk drawer at work, the Easter candy that was all over Kroger's when I went in there, the Wendy's drive thru (and the french fries within), and the offer from the hubs to pick up Taco Bell for me on his way home tonight.  It wasn't easy, but I did it!  

For me, eating healthy and following this plan is literally a one-day-at-a-time thing.  Day #1 is in the books!  :)  Go me!!

The Beauty of Silence

A crazy thing happened last night as I sat down to write my blog - there was silence!  The husband was out of town for business, I accidentally left my cell phone at work on my desk, and as I sat and wrote my confessional (err - I mean blog), I noticed it - SILENCE!!  AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

I don't know what type of situation you have, but with my work especially, I am around people all day long.  A big part of my job is customer-service based, which means doing presentations, holding staff meetings, the phone ringing non-stop, people coming in and out of my office, and multi-tasking like my tail is on fire.  I thrive in that environment and definitely feel I'm at my best when the pressure is on.  As a naturally shy person/introverted person though, I love just having time to myself to think, and well, exhale.....

Before I met my husband, I didn't have cable and wasn't big into TV.  I used to take long baths several times a week after work or read a book or magazine when I got home.  That was my time to relax and clear my head.  Once we met, I stopped doing that (mostly b/c the hubs has golfer feet and I was too lazy to scrub the tub each time I wanted to take a bath).  We got cable and I became addicted to these reality shows (Real Housewives of Every County in America or the E Channel anyone??) when he isn't home and to watching sports or the History or Discovery Channel when he is.  There's 3 cats running around wrestling and wanting held and petted, and there's another person living in my house who, gasp, likes to talk and know how my day was, etc.  

My point being - silence is a luxury that is often fleeting.  I often find myself watching mindless TV in order to drown out my stress so I don't have to think about things, rather than tuning in to how I'm feeling and finding solutions on how to fix things.  For me, this happens best when I can think clearly and when there's silence.

So, last night I soaked in the beauty of the silence around me (and thanked the good Lord for the chaos and blessings of today).....

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Weight Struggles - Do They Ever End?!

So, I casually mentioned in my first blog of this year that I gained 10 lbs back while on my 2-week vacation in Florida (and I had gained 6 back before vacation started too from November to January).  And I honestly thought that 5 lbs of that weight was from "Aunt Flo" getting ready to start and me retaining water.  I figured another pound or two was from flying (not sure where I came up with that one, but it sounded good in my head and made me feel better).  So, once Aunt Flo left, I'd only have about 9 lbs to lose, right?  Well, she's gone and I'm still fluffy!  (Insert sad face with a fuller chin here).

Every day since I've gotten back I've told myself I'm going to start following the Take Shape for Life plan again and eat their food that I have in my drawer.  Some days I've done great while I'm at work (it's much easier to drink a shake or eat a bar or pretzel sticks while I'm at the office).  When I come home though, it's been like a free-for-all.  I'm talking pizza, ice cream, Hershey's Chocolate bars - you name it!  If it's bad for me, I LOVE it and CRAVE it!!  

Today I made myself wear my skinny jeans (that are a bit snug right now) as punishment.  I figured if I was uncomfortable all day, that would motivate me to eat healthy and get this weight back off.  But you know what - I still ordered pasta and strawberry shortcake for lunch at my staff meeting.  EPIC FAIL!!

It hit me though tonight when I got out of the shower - I have to treat this like going to the gynecologist:  I hate doing it, but it has to be done!!  Starting tonight, I'm going to follow the TSFL plan like I'm supposed to and drink my water.  (Versus saying I'm going to start it tomorrow and filling my face with dessert tonight).  This is my health and my future I'm talking about after all and I'm worth it!  (Plus, I have cute clothes from Stitch Fix I need to fit in to) :).

Here's the stats according to an online article I found written by Dr. Oz (love that guy):

 "At times, the difference between what you weigh and what you want to weigh can seem insurmountable (amen to that one!!). You’re not alone in your frustration. The average American woman has a BMI of 28, which is overweight – nearly obese. (Mine is currently 32.4, which is "obese" according to the chart).  Her waists measures 37 inches, almost 5 inches too wide, and she weighs nearly 165 pounds. In 1960, the average American woman’s weight was 140 pounds."...... 
....."The benefits of weight loss aren’t reserved for those who drop 30, 50 or 100 pounds. By losing just 10 pounds, you can prevent deadly illness, alleviate daily pain, and improve your quality of life."...
..."Read on to learn all you have to gain from losing just 10 pounds:
1. A Lower Cholesterol Level
Being overweight is linked to high levels of LDL, which is the “bad” type of cholesterol. As LDL cholesterol circulates through your blood, it can deposit plaque in your arteries, narrowing them – which can lead to heart attack or stroke.
Exercise and a healthy diet will help increase your HDL cholesterol, which is the “good” type of cholesterol that stops LDL from depositing on your artery walls. Ten pounds of weight loss can lower cholesterol by more than 10%.
2. Lower Blood Pressure
Blood pressure measures the pressure on your artery walls, so if you have plaque buildup in your arteries, your blood pressure will be high. Hypertension thickens the walls of the heart, leaving them stiff and prone to heart failure. As the heart works harder, blood vessels in the kidneys can be damaged, which can lead to kidney failure. Losing 10 pounds will decrease your blood pressure, protecting your heart and kidneys.
3. Reduced Risk for Heart Attacks
Excessive plaque buildup can result in dangerously narrowed arteries. In the case of a heart attack, your coronary artery becomes completely blocked, cutting off the oxygen that your heart muscle needs, with possibly fatal results.
As mentioned above, weight loss lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol. Incredibly, just 10 pounds of weight loss can result in a greater than 50% risk reduction for heart attacks.
4. Reduced Risk for Dementia
Nearly half of Americans have too much visceral fat, the abdominal fat that surrounds your internal organs, visible in their protruding bellies. The danger is this: visceral fat contains cells that release inflammation-causing chemicals in the body, which can cause memory loss and increase your chances of developing dementia.
 Additionally, 2 symptoms of obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, can put you at risk for stroke. Some strokes, known as “silent strokes” can occur without symptoms – but each time, blood is cut off to the brain, resulting in damaged, dementia-prone brain tissue. High blood pressure and cholesterol can also increase the likelihood that you’ll develop Alzheimer’s disease.
5. Reduced Risk for Sleep Apnea
When you are overweight, extra tissue thickens your windpipe wall, narrowing your airway. Consequently, the size of your tongue and tonsils become a threat to the narrowed airway – especially when you are sleeping, and can cause a life-threatening condition known as sleep apnea. In this illness, an unsuccessful effort to take in air results in a dangerously low oxygen level while you're sleeping. Your brain shocks your body awake to keep you alive. If you have severe sleep apnea, you can be woken up hundreds of times a night.
Losing just 10 pounds can widen your windpipe, helping you sleep through the night and reduce your risk for developing sleep apnea. And when you sleep well, your levels of leptin (the hormone that signals when you’ve had enough to eat) rise. So, a good night’s sleep will help you lose even more weight.
6. Reduced Joint Pain
Being overweight puts huge pressure on your joints. For each extra pound of excess weight on your body, you add 3 times that amount of pressure on your knees. This means that 10 extra pounds equates to 30 pounds of pressure grinding down. And when walking up stairs, multiply your extra weight by 7. Thirty pounds of pressure just became 70 pounds. Over time, this force wears away your cartilage, leaving an area of arthritis.
As you lose weight and reduce the pressure on your joints, the cushioning between your bones will build back up. A 10 pound weight loss over 10 years may result in as much as a 50% decrease in your odds of developing osteoarthritis.
(This is sooo true!  Before I lost 40 lbs, my joints would ache so bad at night it would wake me up.  Once I lost weight, that stopped.  Now, since gaining these 16 lbs back, my knees ache again).
7. Reduced Risk for Cancer
Obesity increases cancer risk. The exact reasoning remains unclear– but fat cells are highly active, releasing large amounts of hormones like estrogen, insulin, and insulin-like growth factors that can fuel many cancers.
The risk for many types of cancers declines when you lose weight, but it's particularly true for breast and uterine cancer, where losing only 8 pounds can significantly reduce the levels of specific carcinogenic hormones.
8. Reduced Risk for Diabetes
The more excess weight on your body, the less sensitive your cells become to insulin, the hormone that manages the movement of sugar into your cells. Being overweight puts you at huge risk for developing type 2 diabetes, where your body’s cells become resistant to insulin and cannot function properly as a result. By getting active and controlling your weight, you can increase your response to insulin. A weight loss of 10 pounds can reduce your chance of getting diabetes by 60%.
9. Improved Sex Life
Your sex drive is affected by high blood pressure and diabetes, conditions you’re likely to have if you’re overweight. Additionally, erectile dysfunction can be a problem for as many as 80% of obese and overweight men.
10. Taking Less Medications
Even if you only reduce the dosage you currently need for high blood pressure or diabetes, you’ll still save money on your prescriptions. A recent study estimated that cutting just 100 calories a day could prevent or eliminate 71.2 million cases of obesity and save $58 billion annually in the United States.
BONUS: You’ll Feel better!
Your omentum is the pouch that contains your belly fat (you mean it's name isn't "the Engine to my Love Machine" as I've tried to convince my husband)?!. The extra weight you are carrying on your omentum begins to squeeze your kidneys. Your blood pressure raises and your liver fattens; the accumulation of this fat characterizes nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. This added weight leaves your liver unable to process toxins. Over time, your liver hardens, and scar tissue begins to build up to replace liver cells. This scarring is called cirrhosis, which leaves you feeling tired and groggy.
Weight loss will allow your liver to recover. As it repairs itself, it decreases the toxins in your body. You’ll see changes in how you feel and behave".

Sunday, February 16, 2014

IPSY February 2014 Bag - My Review

This is my review of the February 2014 IPSY (formerly My Glam) Glam bag.  I've subscribed to Ipsy since October 2012 and they never disappoint!

The "Stats" -    

Frequency:  Monthly (automatic renewing)

Cost:  $10.00/month (shipping is free)

Products: From their website - "Each month, subscribers will receive a beautiful Glam Bag, with deluxe samples and full-sized beauty products."  (Based off the beauty quiz you complete).

Here's what was in my February 2014 IPSY Glam Bag:

This bag included:  (Retail Values are listed for the size actually received in the bag, not the full-sized product unless that's what they sent in the box).

The Products: 
1.  POP Beauty Lip Gloss/Plump Pout in "Peony Petal" - .14 oz - RV $7.46
2.  IPSY Make-Up Bag - estimated RV $5.00
3.  TINI BEAUTY Eyetini Cordial Cream Shadow + Base in One in "Ambrosia" - .14 oz (FULL SIZE) - RV $18.00
4.  CITY COLOR Be Matte Blush in "Fresh Melon" - .314 oz (FULL SIZE) - RV $2.99
5.  IPKN Moist & Firm BB Cream in "Light" - .05 oz - RV $1.30
6.  ZOYA Nail Polish in "Dot" - .5 oz (FULL SIZE) - RV $9.00

TOTAL VALUE of the products I received:  $43.75
MY COST:  $10.00

A closer look at the products:
1.  POP Beauty Lip Gloss/Plump Pout in "Peony Petal" - (5 stars) - LOVE this gloss!  It comes with a fuzzy stick applicator/wand for easy application and goes on smooth.  Plus, they sent me a color that's perfect for me!  LOVE IT!!  
2.  IPSY Make-Up Bag - estimated RV $5.00 - (3 stars) - I'm neutral on this one.  It's a cute color, but doesn't thrill me.  I'll throw it in a beach bag this summer. 
3.  TINI BEAUTY Eyetini Cordial Cream Shadow + Base in One in "Ambrosia" - (5 stars) - LOVE this shadow!  It goes on smoothly and is the perfect shade!  I love that it already has the shadow base in it too (saves me a step).  The look/texture reminds me of velvet and it has a beautiful shimmer to it.  Can't wait to wear it to work tomorrow!  
4.  CITY COLOR Be Matte Blush in "Fresh Melon" - (2 stars) - I indicated in my profile that I have hazel eyes, but they're more of a bluish-hazel.  This blush is too orange-y for me.  I'm also a firm believer in "you get what you pay for" and at $2.99, this isn't really a brand I'd buy regularly.  Off to the next garage sale you go!
5.  IPKN Moist & Firm BB Cream in "Light" - (Unrated - Still have to try this one.  Will update blog when I do).
6.  ZOYA Nail Polish in "Dot" - (4 stars) - I'm a fan of Zoya polish.  It goes on smoothly and has nice staying power.  However, they sent me a shade similar to this one before, so this one will probably be going on eBay or in a garage sale.  

The final verdict:  4 stars (not including the BB cream)!!  Didn't love the blush, but everything else was nice.  I LOVE the lip gloss and the eye shadow, which made this bag worth it to me.  Can't wait to see what they send me next month!

If you decide you want to try IPSY out, please click on this link.  (I'll get Ipsy points towards a future bonus product).  :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My First STITCH FIX Box - I'm Hooked!! - February 2014 Review

I have been on the wait list for my first Stitch Fix box since the end of October 2013, but it was well worth the wait!!  I'm totally hooked!

First - a little bit about what Stitch Fix is and how it works:

Stitch Fix is a personal styling service. You tell them your style, size, and budget preferences, and they'll send you a package of stylish goodies to try on at home. Each Fix™ is unique and hand-picked just for you.

How does it work?

1. Sign Up (you can click on this link and do so) and Complete Your Style Profile - After signing up you can start immediately on your Style Profile.  They need to know your size, shape, style, budget, and lifestyle to get your Fix right. The Style Profile will take about 10 minutes to complete.

2. Schedule a Stitch Fix - Pick a shipment date, and they’ll send you a box of 5 clothing and accessory items they’ve hand-picked just for you.  You can even opt to schedule a monthly delivery if you'd like.  You pay a $20 styling fee when your stylist selects the items in your Stitch Fix. This $20 fee will be applied as a credit toward anything you keep from your shipment.
3. Try On All Of Your Items - Try on everything they send you—you never know what you’ll like until you see it on (trust me on this one). Pair each piece with items already in your closet to try different outfit options. Each item includes style cards with ideas and inspiration on how to wear it.
4. Decide - Take 3 days to decide what you’ll keep. Return the items you don't want in the pre-paid mailing bag (they include this in your box) at any USPS mailbox.
5. Check Out - Login to your account and pay for those items you kept.  If you buy all 5 items you save 25% off the entire shipment price.  Make sure to leave them feedback on your Stitch Fix shipment so they know what did and didn’t work for you.

Enough technical stuff - Here's the goods....

First off, they add a nice little envelope with a note from your stylist about why they selected the pieces they did for you, as well as styling cards that give you ideas on how to style each piece.

Great touches!  I really felt like my stylist took the time to choose items she thought I'd like by looking at my Pinterest boards and notes I wrote on my profile I filled out.

Here's what was in my box:  
Ambrose Bird Print Button-Up Blouse - $38
Ivy Abstract Chevron Tab-Sleeve Blouse - $68 
Corinna Striped Dolman Top - $48 
Alan Cowl Neck Asymmetrical Jacket - $58 
 Emer High Waisted Cropped Trouser - $98

Piece #1 - Let's start with the YUMI Ambrose Bird Print Button-Up Blouse - $38

This blouse is a beautiful dark emerald green color.  At first though, I hated it b/c of the metallic gold foil birds on it.  And I thought the gold foil piping on the shoulders made it look like a bad Christmas present.  For some reason though, I was intrigued by it.  I decided I like the black buttons on the front and sleeves and it fits well.  I ended up wearing it to work yesterday (I put a picture of it on my Pinterest page) and I must say, I think it's growing on me.  I even received compliments on it.  

VERDICT:  KEPT (I'll explain later).

Piece #2 - 41HAWTHORN Ivy Abstract Chevron Tab-Sleeve Blouse - $68

When Stitch Fix ships your "Fix", the items in your box show up when you log into your account so you can provide your feedback re:  how the items fit, the price, how you like the style, etc.  So, of course I logged on, wrote everything down, and promptly Googled the pieces to see what was in my box.  Of everything, this was the piece I was most excited about!

I love the color combination (royal blue, off-white, and black), the cut, style, etc.  I love the v-neck and the tab-sleeves.  It's made of 100% Polyester, which is nice for layering sweaters on top of (but not nice for stretching to fit my DD chest).  I wanted SOOOO desperately for this blouse to fit!!  As you can see from the right photo though, I need to drop the lbs I just gained while on vacation and maybe a few more.  One day though, I will rock this little beauty! 


Piece #3 - 41HAWTHORN Corinna Striped Dolman Top - $48

This top was what I was least excited about when I Googled everything ($48 for a striped top - I initially thought "no way"), but honestly, it turned out to be my favorite piece!  The burgundy/oxblood color is something I've been obsessed with and have pinned frequently on my Pinterest boards.  This top is so well-made, comfortable (made from rayon/polyester/Spandex), and warm that I decided it was a definite keeper.  In fact, I wore it today to work with my black skinny jeans and tall black boots and LOVED it!


Piece #4 - SWEET RAIN Alan Cowl Neck Asymmetrical Jacket - $58

I had actually pinned this jacket on my Pinterest board and noted I would like it in charcoal (the color in my pin) or navy.  My stylist saw my pin and added this to my box (yeah!!).  Again - she paid attention to what I like and I feel loved!! :) 

Zipped up, the jacket is a bit snug (I seriously gained all my vacation weight in my boobs), but hanging open, it looks great.  The versatility of this jacket definitely sold me on it.  And did I mention how soft the material is (acrylic/nylon blend)?  It feels amazing on!!


Piece #5 - MARGARET M Emer High Waisted Cropped Trouser - $98

When I saw Stitch Fix sent me $98 pants, I was bummed b/c I figured I'd definitely be sending them back due to price alone.  Plus, what were the odds they'd fit me well enough to make me spend that much on a pair of pants?  In person, they are the softest, silkiest pants I've ever worn.  (They're made from a rayon/nylon/Spandex blend).  They're stretchy too - and oxblood red!!  Maybe it was the euphoria of getting my first Stitch Fix box or maybe it was the fact the oxblood top, oxblood pants, and charcoal jacket looked really cute together, but I decided the pants were hopping in my closet too.


So why would I buy my entire fix when I didn't (initially) like the green top and the print blouse didn't fit right?  Let me explain...  I LOVED the striped dolman top, charcoal grey jacket, and the pants.  These 3 pieces total cost $204.  However, if you purchase all 5 of your pieces, Stitch Fix gives you 25% off your purchase.  In this case, the total value of my Fix was $310.00 (which means my discount for buying all 5 pieces would be $72.50).  Stitch Fix also deducts the pre-paid $20 styling fee from the purchase price of whatever you buy from your Fix for that month.  So, the cost for me to buy all 5 of my items was $217.50.   

For me - it was a no-brainer.  I would either pay $204 for the 3 pieces I really liked or pay $13.50 more and get to keep the Ivy Chevron Tab-Sleeve Blouse that will look fabulous on me once I lose some more weight.  And the emerald green bird blouse - well - maybe it will grow on me eventually.  

In the interest of full disclosure - I received a $20 promo code in my October 2013 PopSugar Must Have Box, so I actually didn't have to pay the $20 styling fee for my first Fix  (I did pay for all the clothes though).  I definitely don't plan on spending $200+/month on clothes, but I love the excitement and convenience of having a personal stylist send clothes to my front door.  How much easier does it get?!  I did schedule my next Fix, but requested the pieces be a bit lower priced.  Like this box, I also requested clothes only (they also offer jewelry and scarves) and specifically requested some pieces that I'm looking to buy (navy pants/jeans, a royal blue top, and/or a particular dress I saw another Stitch-Fixer received in their box).  I can't wait to see what Stitch Fix sends me next month!

What did you think of the pieces I selected?  Do you think I should've kept them all or sent some back?  Let me know.  And if you like this blog, please click on this link.  If anyone signs up by clicking this link, I will receive a $25 referral credit towards my next Fix (which I would really be so eternally grateful for)!!  :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

WOW! Has it really been over a year since my last blog?!

I just realized it's been 14 months since my last blog!  Wow!!  I guess this past year has been kind of busy...

I was obsessed with monthly subscription boxes when I was blogging before!  I think I was up to 14 of them at one point.  (I really LOVE opening "presents", can you tell)?  :)  Then, in November, 2012, I decided I was going to cancel most of my lovely boxes (sad face) and focus on paying off my debt so that one day, I'll be able to work because I love it (versus needing the paycheck).  My friend introduced me to Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover book series and my life was forever changed!  I put myself on a budget, started paying for things with cash, and got my "debt snowball" rolling.  I put some things I no longer needed/wore on eBay and had gazelle-like focus on my goal.  Within 13 months, I paid off $12,000 in debt!!  Who-hoo!!

On July 3, 2013, I started the Take Shape for Life eating plan also (after a co-worker successfully lost over 50 lbs in a matter of months).  By October, I had lost 40 lbs.  Another who-hoo!! 

November, December, and January were really stressful at work.  (I received a promotion, but was still doing my old job as well until my replacement was hired/trained).  I was stressed and I justified buying new clothes by telling myself I "needed" them b/c of all the weight I lost.  The budget and eating plan went out the window for the most part during those months, nearly along with my sanity! (And I gained 6 lbs back).

So, now it's 14 months since my last blog and time to get 2014 started off right!  (Yes, I know I'm a month late).  I just got back from a wonderful vacation to Florida and from having 2 weeks off work (gained 10 lbs back on vacation - oops!!).  Time to re-focus on my budget, my weight loss, my work, and my poor, neglected blog....

(P.S. - In case you were wondering, the only subscription boxes I still have are my Ipsy box (a very affordable $10/month) and Stitch Fix ($20/monthly styling fee, plus I can purchase the clothing/jewelry items I want to keep from what my stylist sends me - and the $20 monthly fee goes towards anything I purchase).  If you're interested in signing up, please click on this link.  I receive a $25 referral credit for anyone who signs up using this link, which I will no doubt put towards future "fixes" and would be SOOOO grateful for!!  My first "fix" is supposed to arrive tomorrow.  I'll be sure to do a blog post this week for what I receive).